Fat experiences

I lied about my weight for the first time ever!

Last weekend I visited my parents for the first time in a while. Every time I visit they make me weigh myself because they think I work too hard and don’t eat well and I’m too skinny.

This time they commented that I looked “rounder” and made me go weigh myself. I went to go weigh myself and found that I was 160 lbs, but I told my parents I was 148 since they know I was only 140 this time last year.

I know I’m still 15 lbs from being overweight, but as someone who has been skinny my whole life, lying about my weight by over 10 lbs was a new experience for me and made me unbelievably horny.
3 years

I lied about my weight for the first time ever!

Last weekend I visited my parents for the first time in a while. Every time I visit they make me weigh myself because they think I work too hard and don’t eat well and I’m too skinny.

This time they commented that I looked “rounder” and made me go weigh myself. I went to go weigh myself and found that I was 160 lbs, but I told my parents I was 148 since they know I was only 140 this time last year.

I know I’m still 15 lbs from being overweight, but as someone who has been skinny my whole life, lying about my weight by over 10 lbs was a new experience for me and made me unbelievably horny.

Congrats! Also holy shit 😮 I am so sorry your parents are making you weight yourself.

I feel like that is an atypical thing for parents to do, especially for adult children. But, my mother has been fat her whole life and we never had a scale in the house to my recollection. So maybe my folks are the odd ones out 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can anyone else chime in?

Maybe it’s just an Asian parent thing. I never used to mind and just rolled my eyes, but now I’m stressed about if they’ll notice my future gains. Being stressed about that makes me horny too😅
3 years

I lied about my weight for the first time ever!

My wife could never admit she was 200lbs.
She was always "190" until she was about 225 and couldn't get away saying 190 any more.
3 years

I lied about my weight for the first time ever!

My one dr is a specialist dr so they don’t weigh you like your family dr, every time they ask me I say 390, even though I’m somewhere around 415-420 😅
3 years

I lied about my weight for the first time ever!

The first time my wife's doctor confronted her about her weight my wife came home so enraged. Thought it was insane someone could think of her as obese.

In her mind, she was still 140-150lbs. The cognitive dissonance truly blew me away. She was over 70lbs heavier than that.

Always a tough position to be in as a spouse; her standing there with her beer belly hanging over her pants "Tell me truth, would anyone seriously ever think of me as FAT??"

She still refused to believe it until her bloodwork was showing it.
3 years

I lied about my weight for the first time ever!

I’ve never been a feeder before. But you will be the perfect first one
3 years