Fat experiences

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Someone ordered me an XL t-shirt to wear for a fundraiser at work. It didn't fit before washing, it definately didn't fit after washing. It looked like I was carrying a volleyball under my shirt. They ended up finding a 3X that was too big.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I only wear jogging type pants now anyway but since March I had to start using suspenders for my slacks but I was so self conscious about them at first but now I have to concede because when you gut hangs the belt starts digging into my fat so I had to start ordering mine online.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I had this experience and it was pleasurable, the difficulty started to lift my pants up my legs, my ass was all squeezed and the front would not even close.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Since this covid thing everything I own has gotten tight.
My skirt waistbands are stretched just about as far as they will go.
My PJs barely fit and just roll down at the waist.
Had to break out some of my old fat jeans because 28s were just too hard to button and not comfy at all when I sit down.
Back in the 4 and 5X tops now too.

it would be so nice to see new pics to document the (only) amazing side effects of the pandemic🥰
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

So like everyone else I've packed on some pounds during quarantine. Right now though all of my pants still seem to fit. I think it's just my belly pushing them lower and sticking out further over the waistband
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Honestly, I hope to be so fat that my overfed body rips apart pants....not just struggle with them. However, my pants now are just snug.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Honestly, I hope to be so fat that my overfed body rips apart pants....not just struggle with them. However, my pants now are just snug.

I end up busting the seam right by the zipper or close to it.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

Yeah, I just shopped the after Christmas sales for new jeans. I can still get the 26s on, but they’re so uncomfortable when I sit down. They look like sausage casings on my thighs and around my belly!

I also decided to try some leggings. Normally I prefer pants with pockets, but leggings with a tunic top is a cute look, and they’ll probably fit longer than jeans will.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I’ve ripped a pair of jeans and two pajama bottoms since quarantine. I’ve gone from size 8 jeans to a snug 12. (20+ pounds gained.)

I’ve been a size 6-8 my whole life and am having a hard time saying goodbye to all the clothes I’ve accumulated over the years. But the new belly and softness is...nice. Not sure I’m ready to give them up.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

I hate to say it, but I don't like the fact that I have gone up about 3 sizes in a year! I'd be ok with 1...maybe 2 sizes, but 3?? I just feel a bit embarrassed by it because the only people that appreciate it are on this website!
3 years
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