Extreme obesity

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

Long time ago, all this by 150kg, now with +50 is hard to find a new car
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

Haven't done any of these sadly because I am too skinny, but it gives me something to look forward to in the future.
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

1. Break a couch- I have broken 2 couches

2. Break a bed- does the box spring count? Because yep

3. Not fit into a car- nope

4. Not fit into a bus seat- nope

5. Break the scale- nope

6. Have a triple belly- nope

7. Be able to clap with your thighs- yeee

8. Hide objects in your belly rolls- haha all the time

9. Eat a whole cake- oh yeah!

10. Squash someone- yes 😉
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

My old Nissan SUV got pretty tight when I was 420+.
I would have to move the seat all the way back to get in and adjust it up a click or two to drive.

Same here...
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

I wanna find someone to get on top of me and break a bed lol message me beautifuls
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

Lol i made a big dinner tonight I’m trying to get huge and get a huge girl too
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

I had one but she wasn’t a gainer we broke 2 queens and a king
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

1. Break a couch- not yet, but I have broken lawn chairs and a desk chair

2. Break a bed- no, but I leave a solid imprint on the mattress

3. Not fit into a car- no

4. Not fit into a bus seat- yes...but they're a bit small (or I'm just wider now)

5. Break the scale- no

6. Have a triple belly- no

7. Be able to clap with your thighs- yes...they're so close together I could start a fire with the friction

8. Hide objects in your belly rolls- yes

9. Eat a whole cake- Who hasn't?

10. Squash someone-yes and have been squashed
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

1. Break a couch- No, but a few chair

2. Break a bed- Yes, twice, two different beds.

3. Not fit into a car- No

4. Not fit into a bus seat- No, but it is getting close

5. Break the scale- No

6. Have a triple belly- No, but had a double when I was younger

7. Be able to clap with your thighs- Yes, but very easily

8. Hide objects in your belly rolls- Yes, depending on the size of the object

9. Eat a whole cake- Yes, but what is the average size of a cake? haha

10. Squash someone- No
3 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

1, 2 (bed risers), 7, 8, 9.
3 years
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