Fattening others

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

So haven’t really seen anything here for tips for feeders like myself who have not intention of gaining while we fatten out feedees.

So I figured I’d put some tips up that have helped me, maybe other people have other tips they wanna ad.

So firstly staying active is important. I usually am in a romantic relationship with my feedees not always but often. So it is important to stay strong if your lady is only going to get heavier.

With my ex we actually made a game out of it, I would go to the gym and she would sit on the gyms couch and eat donuts while I did weights.
This can be handy if you don’t have a lot of time.
So make time to be active.

Secondly a lot of feeders talk about the temptation of food while they are feeding.
My suggestion is get yourself a low cal alternative to what you are feeding your feedee. For instance right now I am having a piece of vegan chocolate cherry cake which is both amazing and low sugar. My feedee is on her third slice of mud cake I made to be as fattening as possible.

My other suggestion is when your meeting feedees make sure you find one that isn’t into big guys themselves, because obviously it makes it difficult if they want you to gain.
I mostly date girls who like muscly guys, I have in the past made deals like, you eat that extra piece of cake and I’ll up my arm workout cause I know you like big arms.
This motivates you as well to stay in shape because you know it will help towards fattening your pig.

Anyway have no idea how many people care about this sorta thing but figured I’d ad something about it.
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

I agree with the idea of finding someone who is in to a more.fit body type in their partner as a good motivation.

Another thing I've found is to make sure your partner has friends who even if not gainer, are far and happy. My wife and I and some of our oldest joint friends love similarly, where post pregnancy both female partners are a lot larger, enjoy dining out and have their own bubble. This has the effect that her social life gives her both fraternal support and encourages her plushness without it just being me where it comes from.

A feedee with a bunch of fat, body positive friends means that you're not there for all of the eating that contributes to their body and it gives them the confidence that comes.from being in a group.
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

"Feeder" here that used to worry about this...as someone that has blown up beyond belief the the last few months (very on purpose) - maybe just get fat! It's amazing smiley

(soz, maybe not be 'helpful' in the conventional sense...but practise your skills on yourself? I now know that I'm VERY good *jiggles big soft belly*)
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

I honesty think it is inevitable that a feeder would gain weight. Afterall, they make their partner big, which most likely makes them want to be like their feedee as they stuff them silly.
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

This was a challenge early on in my wife's gain, especially when eating out. At home almost always eat a different meal than her. She'll share a pizza or fried chicken with the kids. But it's been normalized that I have a different meal already prepped for myself.

It works well because she feels liberated to indulge in whatever she wants that night which often could be her weird cravings/ideas (like eating an entire large bag of pizza rolls for dinner).
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

Yeah, being active does help. Fortunately I'm not a guy who really likes sweets or unhealthy foods, so in my case I'd probably just feel tempted to eat something bitter or low in calories. I'd say that if you want to stay thin as a feeder have a diet high in healthy fats and protein so you don't feel hungry. Also making sure to curb your appetite and practicing eating as much as you need rather than want helps immensely.
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

As a feedee, I always steal food off my partner's plate and finish off leftovers in the refrigerator. Anything shared, like rolls at a restaurant or even fortune cookies, is gone in an instant. Food stealing and sneaking are big time turn ons for he, actually.

And stolen food is so much tastier...
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

I honesty think it is inevitable that a feeder would gain weight. Afterall, they make their partner big, which most likely makes them want to be like their feedee as they stuff them silly.

So many people whom I have met who identified as feeders eventually germinate into feedees especially as they age due to their vantage point being changed. When you actually get an opportunity to actually actualize this lifestyle, you don't want it to stop but sometimes you break up with your feedee and then you realize that very few people actually live this lifestyle so for some of us we just internalize it and become our own feedee. I experienced this as well as the guy who got fat with someone and they left so I have been on some many sides of this lifestyle choice
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

I think a little gain is inevitable if you are feeding someone in person and tbh can be fun but the key is to not let it get out of hand - maybe exercise more or skip a few meals so you burn off the chub whilst she keeps expanding 😉
3 years

Avoiding gaining as a feeder

I think it's important for feeders to examine their motivations for wanting to "keep their weight under control" in this kink. If you (a feeder) and your partner (a feedee) genuinely love the contrast, great! If they genuinely want you to be fit for them while they get fatter, also great! But if you're begrudgingly forcing yourself to stay thin because of societal expectations or internalized fatphobia it may be time to examine why society and the diet industry feel like you owe them the debt of thinness. You think fat is beautiful, right? If so, what's wrong with being ever so slightly soft?

Generally speaking, even if you and your feedee have an agreement where they want to blow up for you, any incidental weight gain on your part will probably be insignificant. But if you've examined your motivations and are still concerned about gaining, either for agreed upon aesthetic reasons or for maintaining strength as they get bigger and possibly less able to do things:

1. Keep both healthy and indulgent food in the house. That way they can load up on calorie-heavy food and you can eat with them but fill up on fruits, veg, healthy carbs like brown rice and whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats like nuts and avocados. And feed them some healthy food too, maybe dressed up with buttery cream sauces so they get their calories in but lbh there's nothing sexy about vitamin deficiency.

2. Maintain a regimen of daily activity. This can be anything from a 20 minute walk every day to some lifting. And if it's just a light walk honestly take them with you if they want to retain their mobility. A walk is also a great opportunity to talk about whatever is on your mind, your relationship, and the future.

3. For the love of god don't work a desk job. It's menial, it's boring, you sit on your ass all day and burn less calories than if you were sleeping. And you can make more money as a bartender and also be working on those sick guns hauling kegs of beer all day.
3 years
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