Not trying kink shame but, after seeing so many posts about breeding, pregnancy fetish, intentional insemination, etc. Dont you think it’s rather irresponsible to risk the possible consequences of bringing a child into this world all because of a kink?
I mean, children are innocent lives that didn’t ask to be here. They should be brought here because the couple are mentally, emotionally, financially prepared to start a family. Not simply because you’re horny.
You're arguing for something literally no one disagrees with. Now who's posting for nothing?
The kink is a fantasy, not a recipe.
This is a KINK website, a safe place for people to discuss the kinks without judgement, So it would be safe assume that whatever kinks are discussed here are exactly what the members desire.
You'd assume that despite all evidence to the contrary?
You know that many kinks are about the fantasy, not the actual experience, right? How many people on this site are turned on by the idea of being immobile or having an immobile partner, even though the reality of that would suck? What about the death-feedees - are you calling the cops because you think they're suicidal, rather than enjoying a fantasy?
You assumed the kink was about what people wanted to -do-, not what they like to -think-. When that assumption led you to a nonsense conclusion, you assumed other people must be monsters.
Your "check cognition" light is blinking - maybe you should pull over.