Feedback and suggestions

Chat scrolling

It's annoying in chat that you can't scroll up through old comments to see what conversation has been going on in the room, because it bounces back down to the bottom of the page every time someone enters or leaves the room - which is constant!
3 years

Chat scrolling

So, in chat, at the top right corner there is a cog looking thing. That is the settings. You click on that and in there you can turn off the entering and leaving notifications and even change your chat bubble color. Also in the top right hand area, there is a green arrow looking things. You can click on that and it will stop the automatic scrolling the room will do and you can manually control it.
You are welcome.

I agree smiley
3 years

Chat scrolling

So, in chat, at the top right corner there is a cog looking thing. That is the settings. You click on that and in there you can turn off the entering and leaving notifications and even change your chat bubble color. Also in the top right hand area, there is a green arrow looking things. You can click on that and it will stop the automatic scrolling the room will do and you can manually control it.
You are welcome.

Brilliant! Did not know any of that. Will try it next time, thanks smiley
3 years

Chat scrolling

I want to know how someone can be chatting in the room yet not appear on the user board.

That should not be possible... You have the user tab which is a full list of all users logged onto the chat application whether they are in a group chat or not.

The list of users in the group chat rooms, should be a complete list of all users that have entered that particular group.

Users can leave groups and come in and out of the chat while having ongoing conversations as you can see the chat history, which could possible explain this anomaly.

However, it sounds like this could potentially be a bug. So thank you for reporting this we will get this looked into.

Take care!
3 years