Lifestyle tips

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I'm definitely a 3 right now. If I were to start gaining, I would like to be at most an 8.
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Ya i want to get to 6 or 7
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I'd say I'm mostly a 7.
I've not got the clothing extreme of a 7 but definitely have the stair issue of 8. So I'd say that fits.
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I’m definitely a five. I’m well past chubby and would say I’m undeniably fat, but not super fat. I don’t have many problems in day to day life but I am too big for some stuff every once in a while.
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

So I'm a...3.5?
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

But you really WANT to be a 4 .... right?
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I'd have to say I'm somewhere between 5 and 6.. anyone have any input?
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

It was a 4 but I have put on weight easily and I have already become a 5.
A dream will be to become a 7 getting in my car tight with my belly touching the wheel, driving with difficulty to buy more fast food πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸŸ

Hmm.,..I say you're barely a four, but it will be fun to watch you balloon to a seven. 😍
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Have been 5 for a while, but this fall moved into stage 6 of this obesity scale. Definitely obese now β€”Β can't hide it. Some chairs and airplane seats are getting seriously tight/uncomfortable. Belly rests on my lap when sitting.

Good to know I've entered a new stage. About 315 pounds, for reference.
3 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I'm somewhere between five and six I think! probably a little closer to five.
3 years
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