Extreme obesity

Smoking and extreme obesity

Took some courses on how to build a bridge, thinks he's more qualified on the totality of human knowledge than every specialist within their specific field of lifelong study, all while having the attitude of a level 20 neckbeard? Engineer confirmed.

That is a structural/civil engineer dude.

See, that is the difference between science and religion. YOU treat it as religion, blindly following your chosen experts, accepting what they tell you on faith. I treat it as science, where everything is always up for review, and in need of proof.

Your way does not actually require you do any research, review any studies, or learn any details.

My way requires I do all of those things. I took the time to explain some of my reasoning so you would have a chance to understand. I see that was too much work for you.

In God I trust, all others bring data.
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Bravo FatChance

Its a your name is perfect for the argument above. Fat chance youll get people to belive what is plastered as common knoledge. As a double major philosophy and engineering. I fully agree and have seen the evidence of what you say and seen plently of true studies that use just as “possable” data to state the contrary to common knoledge!

Thats why i drive an 78 jeep cj7 just incase climate change is real im doing my part! If you bought a 1990 jeep wranglr drive it 220,000 miles you would just be meeting the total emisions of producing a new low emisions hybread car right off the lot without a mile on it! Never mind an all electic car you would have to drive the jeep close to 500k to meet day one on showroom floor. emissions after minning lithium, drilling the oil to prduce the plastics and electronics and all the unessacary “emmenities”. Then you take into account and average gas car only last 12 years and an electric only lasts 8 before the battery needs to be replaced at more cost than the car is worth and you see The 1990 jeep has done its part to save the enviorment. (Me in real life 1978 cj7 has 540,000 on it and iv owned it sence i got my licence in 06 ... so do the math about how many emmsions the envormentaly friendly people have convinced you to to blow into the enviorment in a bid to save the planet!!

The same goes for actural science on climate change to... so yea.

Fatchance getting most people to understand!!!

But God Speed!

Fyi i love a woman who smokes the more she smokes, the more she eats, the more she coughs and fater she is and the more ruined shes gotten herelf the better! (Dark but true)
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Awesome! A CJ7!

Have two X body Jeep Cherokees! And did some engineering for the old Jeep plant before the tore it down!

CJ7 is a reliable workhourse!
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Plus a good jeep can handle the weight of a fat lady!
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

The best is when a cute, fat chick drives a jeep with the doors off, cigarette in hand, and if it's a manual, watching her fat thigh jiggle as she works the clutch, arm flab jiggling as she shifts, that's the icing on the cake!
4 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Jeep JK driver here and the climate/ earth is going to do whatever it wants and to think "man" has any ability to stop it is foolish thinking.
Oh and I used to smoke but quit back in 2014 and yes I did gain a bunch of weight after quitting.smiley
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

I'm really anti-smoking as I suffered from asthma quite badly as a child and people doing stuff that might hurt their lungs practically freaks me out, but even I can see the hedonism of someone saying 'I don't care what's "bad for me" I'm going to enjoy it whatever the risk"

Were my father still alive, he could deeply relate: his parents’ smoking had him with asthma as a child so severe that he had to be hospitalized with a tracheotomy. (That’s the family legend. I have made no attempt to fact check whether that’s even possible, much less likely, in terms of cause and effect.)

Years of family skirmishes between my father and his mother regarding her ongoing chain smoking and whether it could happen in his (as an adult) house or whether he’d visit her, etc. Watched this grandmother, a favorite person of mine and former amazonian woman who was in some silent movies (never a leading character) waste away to a small shriveled being surviving on oxygen tanks, and still smoking ’til near the very end.

I absolutely totally support anyone’s choice to smoke whatever they want whenever they want. I just don’t want to be an intimate part of any such person’s life—too triggering, and the smoke messes with me too (in a far milder way).

So now we get to the point of this post. First love ever, early 1980s, college. This was over a decade before i ever heard of NAAFA and had zero idea that anyone else on the planet was legit attracted to fat women. C started out average build. I soon discovered she smoked. We were deeply into each other, but it was a deal-breaker for me.

She said she was orally fixated and was concerned what would happen when she quit. Because we were still both at university, i promised that if she quit, i would deliver kisses to keep her mouth busy any possible time of day or night that i could manage. This happened: she quit smoking, i delivered kisses (not the Hershey’s kind).

I know you’d all like to read that she blew up to enormous proportions, but that’s not what happened. What did happen is that we lived together for a number of years and not all that long after graduating she got a job at a local bakery. She absolutely fattened, more or less symmetrically all over—but not blowing up. BBW, not SSBBW. Still, from average-slender, that was delightful—especially with neither of us knowing a thing about fat appreciation/love/lust.

In terms of the controversial topics in this thread, i’ll not drag that out further. I was trained as an electrical engineer, though life and my choices have had me doing more technician stuff than actual engineering. My perspective closely matches that of fatchance. I appreciate his posts in this thread, and reading those of others of you who had something actually meaningful to share.
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

I find smoking and overeating which leads to obesity to be very much a turn on. I love the addiction aspect of cigarettes and fatty food. I love watching a girl go hours without a cigarette and I get to see the relief in her face as she desperately lights up her cigarette she so deeply neexed. The same goes for watching a girl who struggles with food addiction when I get to watch them pack in the calories without a care as to how fattening the food their eating is because all they care about in that moment is feeling the emotional comfort and happiness they get when they overeat fatty foods. However, although I'm a pretty heavt smoker myself, I do not dins mt own smoking a turn on the same as I do with the use a of me gaining weight and becoming obese, and I've made a promise to myself to quit smoking when the scale hits 220 as a reward to myself for getting a start to being obese and also because smoking will be very bad for my health with my goals of super obesity and while I look forward to the pain and struggles of being super obese, I do not wish to be super morbidly obese and also making myself even less healthy with smoking
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Weed smoking was my partner in helping skyrocket my gains. Whenever I had an issue with my day, smoke a sativa and that became the helper in giving me the urges to actually see myself as that obese glutton while I would smoke a indica and that would chill me down to not give a damn which led to me eating way more than with the sativa so anyone who smokes weed and being obese is attractive to me
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

It is hot when a BBW is smoking.
2 years
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