Fat experiences

“damn, i’m fat”

But the I am fat aspect is just the gateway and starting point; it is the I am obese part that ultimately takes some of us under and those of is with a certain personality type will always succumb to it. Noticing you are fat is when you can get into your jeans but you can't fasten the button while the I AM OBESE part is when you notice that you can feel your belly jiggle, the back fat of your thighs jiggle, each butt cheeks jiggling and your calf fat all move simultaneously and that leads to sensory overload and you then realize that you just don't have the discipline anymore to lose three hundred pounds so you just give in

This. There was such a big lifestyle change right when my wife started referring to herself as fat (the way you call yourself obese). That moment when there was no more denial, she self-identified as being fat, all of a sudden she seemed to give in so much more to hedonistic eating and being lazy.

"Why not order a 2nd pizza for myself to eat later? I'm already fat. Nobody will even notice at this point."

Everyone gets fat at some point in their lives but earning your obesity is a whole other monster. It is harder to lose weight then it is to gain weight so most of us come to a crossroads in which we are either going to lose it all or say the hell with it and keep going and she cane to that fork and the road and she took that fork and said to herself that she is going to use that fork to get fat with. She saw her fate and she gave in to this addiction because don't get it twisted we feedees are food addicts to the third power but most of us will never tell you that. You have to psychologically morph your mindset to say to yourself that you are going to eat and eat to the point that your need to eat superceded your need to have sex because the more you eat the more fat your partner will have to dig through to entice you. 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

I've been wearing suspenders under my shirt to help hold my pants up. They just hook under my belt, so if I lean to the side to pick something up, the side of my belly sometimes pushes the clip off my belt.
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

First thing for me was last weekend — getting on a plane for the first time since quarantine. The bigger Airbus jets had plenty big seatbelts, but the connection flights between airports? Nope. Didn't fit. Had to ask for a seatbelt extender for the first time and move out of the exit row.
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

When you see fat people and it occurrs to you that you probably weigh more than they do.
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

I’m 9 pounds away from 250 pounds! (5’4) That’s fucking FAT!
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

I'm 252 pounds and 5"6 my legs and Ass are huge xx

when I have a pee I can't even see my willy and I'm not even top heavy lol
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

Lately with the hot weather it's when I sweat as soon as I start moving outside. I've always ran hot, but the extra weight I've gained over the winter definitely has me sweating more and a lot faster.
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

william keay:
I'm 252 pounds and 5"6 my legs and Ass are huge xx

when I have a pee I can't even see my willy and I'm not even top heavy lol

Tubby Puertorican:
I’m gotten to the point of lazy that sometimes I sit on the toilet to pee because I don’t want to be standing up. XD

I do that too. I prefer to sit. My belly was bigger at one point... trying to get there again ... 😁 and could not see where I was aiming. Having 2 rods and 4 screws in my lower back makes me even less flexible.
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

Like someone else said reading these posts makes me want to get fatter faster. I especially love the having to lift my belly when I sit. I put a couple of pics together in a collage comparing last year and this year. Big difference. I also noticed in one picture that my neck disappears into my shirt collar. Whenever I saw a guy wearing an open collar shirt that his head was disappearing into I’d get turned on. Well, I’m getting to be that guy. 😁
3 years

“damn, i’m fat”

yeah, not being able to pull up shorts that i wore last summer over my hips/butt... that was a good reminder that i might have gotten a little fat. smiley
3 years
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