Extreme obesity

How fat would you like to be?

This keeps changing for me. I dipped my toe in the water several years ago and have kept steadily gaining.

The bigger I get, the more desperate for additional size I become. I used to think soft moobs would satisfy me, now I was a bulging overhang hanging over my belt, and meaty fat rolls enveloping my body. There's no turning back πŸ˜…
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

I just hit 250 recently and 275 is the next goal. We'll see then smiley.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

My end goal is 500 pounds. My more immediate goal is 300 and, given I weighed 283 pounds last Friday, I think I might get there during my next gaining cycle.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Tubby Puertorican:
I would like to get to 300lbs. But I would love to go further, reach to 400 and beyond. But I don’t want to be limited in doing things. Man this fetish drives me nuts. πŸ˜†

I am amazed that I have gotten this flabby and fat but that was somewhat due to reading posts from becomingoverweight so a big shout-out to becomingoverweight for being the saint of fat but I wanted to get as fat as humanly possible until I met a guy in North Carolina who gave me pause because he was the embodiment of superobesity but he couldn't walk up the stairs and his wife had to help dress him and tie his shoes so I know what you are saying because this fetish keeps you conflicted because you have one part of you that can indulge up to a point while the other side hopes you hit the lottery so you can eat yourself into oblivian.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly wishing I had prepared better, knowing if my confidence was higher years earlier, I would have waited and saved $ vs buying the 5-6X clothing so soon vs the 2-4x that would fit (even if snug). Regretful as that could have went to food, savings or other expenses as I look back.
Being on the darker end of this lifestyle than most I would come across, I'm thankful to have listened and watched some experiences others have had and learn from them.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly wishing I had prepared better, knowing if my confidence was higher years earlier, I would have waited and saved $ vs buying the 5-6X clothing so soon vs the 2-4x that would fit (even if snug). Regretful as that could have went to food, savings or other expenses as I look back.
Being on the darker end of this lifestyle than most I would come across, I'm thankful to have listened and watched some experiences others have had and learn from them.

I felt that same way years ago but that fat realization comes when it comes. Had I known that there were women out here who not only loved fat men they wanted them to get even fatter than chubby. Hell, I would have done this post college and would have been set up for a whole infrastructure to complement what I was to become. I didn't find my obese mentor until I moved down south and he still advises me even up to as recent as yesterday.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly wishing I had prepared better, knowing if my confidence was higher years earlier, I would have waited and saved $ vs buying the 5-6X clothing so soon vs the 2-4x that would fit (even if snug). Regretful as that could have went to food, savings or other expenses as I look back.
Being on the darker end of this lifestyle than most I would come across, I'm thankful to have listened and watched some experiences others have had and learn from them.

I felt that same way years ago but that fat realization comes when it comes. Had I known that there were women out here who not only loved fat men they wanted them to get even fatter than chubby. Hell, I would have done this post college and would have been set up for a whole infrastructure to complement what I was to become. I didn't find my obese mentor until I moved down south and he still advises me even up to as recent as yesterday.

Always good to have someone give a sincere heads up.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly wishing I had prepared better, knowing if my confidence was higher years earlier, I would have waited and saved $ vs buying the 5-6X clothing so soon vs the 2-4x that would fit (even if snug). Regretful as that could have went to food, savings or other expenses as I look back.
Being on the darker end of this lifestyle than most I would come across, I'm thankful to have listened and watched some experiences others have had and learn from them.

I felt that same way years ago but that fat realization comes when it comes. Had I known that there were women out here who not only loved fat men they wanted them to get even fatter than chubby. Hell, I would have done this post college and would have been set up for a whole infrastructure to complement what I was to become. I didn't find my obese mentor until I moved down south and he still advises me even up to as recent as yesterday.

Always good to have someone give a sincere heads up.

It is but most dudes don't even realize that there are more out there like them. When I met him down south, he had several guys and ladies that he was mentoring. I didn't realize til then that this was actually a thing especially in our community
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly wishing I had prepared better, knowing if my confidence was higher years earlier, I would have waited and saved $ vs buying the 5-6X clothing so soon vs the 2-4x that would fit (even if snug). Regretful as that could have went to food, savings or other expenses as I look back.
Being on the darker end of this lifestyle than most I would come across, I'm thankful to have listened and watched some experiences others have had and learn from them.

I felt that same way years ago but that fat realization comes when it comes. Had I known that there were women out here who not only loved fat men they wanted them to get even fatter than chubby. Hell, I would have done this post college and would have been set up for a whole infrastructure to complement what I was to become. I didn't find my obese mentor until I moved down south and he still advises me even up to as recent as yesterday.

Always good to have someone give a sincere heads up.

It is but most dudes don't even realize that there are more out there like them. When I met him down south, he had several guys and ladies that he was mentoring. I didn't realize til then that this was actually a thing especially in our community

Good point, as its not commonly discussed.
3 years

How fat would you like to be?

Honestly wishing I had prepared better, knowing if my confidence was higher years earlier, I would have waited and saved $ vs buying the 5-6X clothing so soon vs the 2-4x that would fit (even if snug). Regretful as that could have went to food, savings or other expenses as I look back.
Being on the darker end of this lifestyle than most I would come across, I'm thankful to have listened and watched some experiences others have had and learn from them.

I felt that same way years ago but that fat realization comes when it comes. Had I known that there were women out here who not only loved fat men they wanted them to get even fatter than chubby. Hell, I would have done this post college and would have been set up for a whole infrastructure to complement what I was to become. I didn't find my obese mentor until I moved down south and he still advises me even up to as recent as yesterday.

Always good to have someone give a sincere heads up.

It is but most dudes don't even realize that there are more out there like them. When I met him down south, he had several guys and ladies that he was mentoring. I didn't realize til then that this was actually a thing especially in our community

Good point, as its not commonly discussed.

It isn't nor do they call it what they call it online. I didn't even know down south that it was sort of like a tradition for some families
3 years