
Why do all feedees want money?

When I started chatting here, it was assumed that I am a feedee because...well...I have a vagina. 🤷🤦
I was offered money by a few different men without having asked. I didn't take it. It felt like porn or prostitution, neither of which are my thing. Apparently, it's not just tik tok creating these models. Shall I name names so we can get out the pitch forks and torches? Probably not. But it is clear that some men expect to be able to pay for this. In fact, they expect to be able to pay just anybody that comes along for it, which is a bit rude.

There definitely is a financial cost associated with content production, as Cookie pointed out, over and above the rising grocery bill associated with gaining in general. I can see where as a business person (as opposed to an exhibitionist) covering this overhead is crucial to continuation of the business. It's all part of the game.

The fact remains though that there is demand on both sides of the "pay for play" coin, so why is that not addressed? Add a pay for play room, or even a mirror site --fanta$$y feeder- so everybody can get what they want? It would solve the issue people have with soliciting in the general chat, keep traffic on this site, and maybe generate a royalty for the site. In addition, people would go into said room or site knowing what to expect, thereby alleviating the anger over spending or not getting money (or anything in return for your money, which seems to be a common complaint as well).
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

There is nothing wrong with people engaging in commercial transactions if both parties wish to do so - free trade is a fundamentally important right; but it is a problem when people who wish to engage in commercial transactions are mixed up with people who do not: this results both in people being pestered to engage in commerce (sometimes fraudulently) when they have no desire so to engage, and also making it much more difficult for people searching for non-commercial connexions to find suitable people because of the large number of people who are solely interested in commercial transactions.

It really would be better for websites on which such transactions are commonplace to make it easy for people to indicate whether they are willing to engage in such transactions and for those who are not to filter out all those who are, as well as for those seeking out commerce to be able to limit themselves to those who are genuinely willing to engage in it.
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

I guess it depends on why people are here. If someone is looking for a relationship, hopefully they are not expected to pay for that. Of course when someone is in a relationship, it is not unusual to pay for dates. I am here because I love to hear about women who want to gain. I want them to gain because they love being a BBW, not because they are looking to get paid for it. Yes, it costs money to gain, but spending money is making that purchase a priority, and I like women who make gaining priority.
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

C00kie is the only one that speaks sense and /most/ of the rest of this thread is despicable.

You want a woman to go on cam with you eat, you want to watch her eat, you want to fetish talk her, but you don't want to buy her a dinner? So in reality you are wanting her to interact with you, consume her own food, take her own time, for what?

A lot of feedees cannot afford that habit, especially if you want to get into the bigger ones with mobility issues from the lifestyle aspect of it.

Granted, the people who say "You shouldn't pay to just talk" is right. You have every right to talk to someone without the demand for money but if you are seeking fetish content then a tip is usually obligatory.

To add a tip, if you want to buy someone dinner, ask to order it for them via a delivery app or ask to see receipt so you can give an exact amount. I have been fed LITERALLY once in my entire existence and men demand I pay for dates, but the one time i did that is what i did, i had him order it on the app and key in my address. He knew what i was getting, there was zero financial gain.

But seriously. Not everyone can stuff themselves and support it for the sheer please.
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

Yeah that great and all but when people ask for money over the internet and don’t even socialize with you irl then what’s the point. If you can’t afford to do this then well do it then lol like I dont wanna be rude but there’s no point in paying for content with so much free stuff on the internet[/quote]

Then pursue the free stuff, do not bother people who are clearly real, talkative, and you can interact with.

There are many fetishes people profit off of ,the thing is they need to reinvest. Example is bimbos usually get surgery to make themselves more barbie like. etc.

Also not everyone is local to interact with "irl" in real life. But many are lucky enough to find a personal ad or stumble upon a feeder randomly.

And the site is called fantasy FEEDER. aka people who want to feed others.
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

Warning Signs:

1) "Do you have Kik or WhatsApp?" (let's go there so I can beg for money where people won't criticize me)

2) "What do you do for a living?" (after I told them, they told me they didn't have a job or apparently even a profession)

3) "How much do I want to gain?" As much as you want me to. Oh, and even though I'm slim on my profile and have only been on the site for a few days, I really, really want to get morbidly obese.

4) "I love you" said after 15 minutes of sporadic chatting. Plus it was an incredible coincidence that everything I suggested was super-hot to them.

5) "So how do you plan on feeding me?" This isn't a question about encouragement, it's how do you plan to start sending me money, preferably in recurring payments, while I tell you how I ate 14,000 calories yesterday and I'm bursting out of my clothes.

I have no problem with people selling content, but none of us like being lured and tricked into sending money to one of the internet's many, many professional beggars. Before this, it was someone who talked to me about too-tight a segue to "Hey! How about you buy me six bikinis online right now and I'll try them on for you?"
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

EVERYBODY wants money. Why would feedees be any different?
2 years

Why do all feedees want money?

I like to be encouraged and teased, I never ask for a penny
2 years

Why do all feedees want money?

I like to get encouraged and teased and humiliated and don’t ask for a cent either.
2 years

Why do all feedees want money?

So this thread started a year ago and nothings changed. It's still "pay to play" for most of the site.

Hence why I put in my profile that content creators can kiss my foot.
2 years
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