Fattening others

Wife finally a feedee?

Modulo9, I envy you so much, you are so lucky. I love my obese wife, she has gained in the last few years, but is not comfortable with her weight.
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

Update. I was concerned with spring time she would be looking to lose weight.

Last night she complained that her dinner was too small last night and then said we'd just get burgers later. We found a new Greek restaurant this week and she said it could be dangerous for her.

She grabs her thighs and smacks her ass to tease me. She knows she has a glorious ass, despite her taking years and compliments from many men and women to accept it. I know she's into the meal when she's on additional helpings and she stands and leans over while eating. After a good meal I hug her and it feels like I'm hugging a pregnant lady.

She's still a bit uncomfortable with her belly but seems to be warming up to it slowly.

I haven't used the word feedee/feeder yet with her. She's my feedee and I adore her, keeping her happy and well fed.
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

Around 150, she's never been a twig and has curves.. She's over 200 now and 5'2". Unclear how much as we don't do the scales. Most goes to her lower half although she has lovely chubby upper arms now.

We are enjoying each other. She's also still nursing our young daughter and should be stop nursing sometime this summer. So a slower calorie burn is around the corner. I'm looking forward to the fall weather as she should plump up even more.
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

She broke it the plaid skirt again. This time she told me she tried to pull it down over her like last time and it wouldn't fit. I ended up pulling it down over her, it was a bit of a strain but it fit.

With her flaired hips it barely covered anything now.

From behind her gloriously fattened up cheeks, was amazing.

When we switched to missionary on the floor there was an additional surprise of softness. She's plumped up so much that I had to change the angle. Her butt is so plump now that it raises her high enough for a different position.
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

Pool time!

My wife surprises me with her new bathing suit. I was a bit concerned the summer would bring weight loss, not anymore.

I teased her a bit about wearing some pool shorts that I picked out for her two years ago. I purposely picked a larger size, at the time, expecting her to grow into them. Last year they were so tight her cheeks hung out of them when she went to the beach. She's obviously way to plump now for the shorts to even fit now. She teased back, "You should have had me on a diet if you wanted to see me in those short's". She then asked me to get her a cake from the store....
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

Lovely surprise tonight.

We had Thai food. As she piled on a large plate I noticed how well she filled out her top. The top was obviously a bit out grown, but still passable for coverage.

As she finished off seconds. Her belly ballooned to the point where her peplum shirt opened up like a blossom exposing her stuffed belly.

She's got quiet the regular appetite and capacity now. I need to figure out a get away so she can be relaxed and completely stuff herself.
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

My wife has always liked food and has always been curvy.

She's always been concious of her weight. I've always made it obvious that I want her to gain weight.

Recently she has seemed receptive to eating and teasing about gaining.

We've involved food and sex. I keep her stocked with her favorite candy which she eats.

However one time I encouraged her to eat a lot at dinner and she got a little upset and commented that I knew she didn't have self control.

I've teased her about fattening her up and she seems to be open to it. I even took her to a buffet and she and teased her about waddling out. When we finished and she was a bit stuffed she even said she was waddling out.

What are your thoughts? How would you proceed with someone that likes food but until recently has been opposed to giving in?

wow what a joy to read!! what a dream!! my dream too! i "teased” her too .. say i'm going to make her fat etc... she's a real foodie loves to eat and can't stop sometimes.. but don't want to be a feedee.. despite gaining 30 kilo this is it maximum… unfortunately because I sometimes tell her that I want her to be twice as heavy as now…

so do you have any tips😍
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

My wife has always liked food and has always been curvy.

She's always been concious of her weight. I've always made it obvious that I want her to gain weight.

Recently she has seemed receptive to eating and teasing about gaining.

We've involved food and sex. I keep her stocked with her favorite candy which she eats.

However one time I encouraged her to eat a lot at dinner and she got a little upset and commented that I knew she didn't have self control.

I've teased her about fattening her up and she seems to be open to it. I even took her to a buffet and she and teased her about waddling out. When we finished and she was a bit stuffed she even said she was waddling out.

What are your thoughts? How would you proceed with someone that likes food but until recently has been opposed to giving in?

wow what a joy to read!! what a dream!! my dream too! i "teased” her too .. say i'm going to make her fat etc... she's a real foodie loves to eat and can't stop sometimes.. but don't want to be a feedee.. despite gaining 30 kilo this is it maximum… unfortunately because I sometimes tell her that I want her to be twice as heavy as now…

so do you have any tips😍

My wife was always a foodie and fluctuated with her weight. It took many years of trust and her realizing I found her hot especially when she was plump. I think she is finally comfortable with her curves, which is ashame because she always had a gloriously fertile shape to her.

We started introducing food and sex with brief excursions to a hotel to get away from the house with kids.

On one occasion when she was skinnier, she told me she was too full for me to be on top and that I'd just have to take her from behind. I patted her on the belly and replied, "I liked her belly stuffed and that ass plump." She didn't complain.

A month later we had another date night featuring pizza and she was wearing her uniform. She had noticably gained since last time. She was stuffing herself with pizza while I sat and watched before having her.

I think covid-19 and working from home finally converted her fully. BTW, With her weight gain, she seems to become more submissive in bed.

She's also is finally comfortable with her big ass too. This past weekend she pointed out to me her skirt is shorter in the back because her ass is so huge.

It's glorious!
3 years

Wife finally a feedee?

Almost through summer and she's gained a bit more. That's two summers steady gaining, although the most gain came last summer, when she nervously made the comment after buying a lot of groceries that she was trying to bulk up.

Tonight as we were kissing I mentioned how soft her lips felt, she responded by asking me to go out and get her a second dessert...
2 years

Wife finally a feedee?

Holiday Reece's have arrived in the store!

I make sure she has a pack at her desk.

I think it will be a cold winter with lots of gain!
2 years
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