
Goals for the new year?

Well I could do with beings re adventurous with I'd be happy to be your official taster!
I'd really like to add another X to my XXL clothes!
3 years

Goals for the new year?

Im gonna try to hit 300 by 2022 but having a number goal isn’t very fun. By 2022 im going to try to make it so it’s impossible or extremely difficult to get up from a sitting position without pushing with my hands.
3 years

Goals for the new year?

Gonna get back into cosplay and attend more comic cons once covid ends
3 years

Goals for the new year?

These are goals in no particular order.

The question asks specifically about feederism and weight gain, so I won't really touch upon other goals I might have.

I'm not setting any deadlines, since I've found it can lead to disappointment and it's certainly easier said than done.

It's more like a wish list that I think might be achievable, though some may be more difficult than others.

- Get a desk job of some sort where I can graze all day. Such a job that isn't call center (or at least doesn't require more than 25% of the time on the phone) is proving hard to find. This isn't strictly feederism related, but it's somewhat related.

- Add at least 4" to my waistline and backside.

- Finally reach, and surpass 24" thighs. This should hopefully mean my arms would also be over a foot in circumference as well since the ratio seems to be about half.

- Hopefully, and finally reach 200+. I had hoped to have done this last year. Most I've been was 170 but that didn't last long.

- At some point, I'd like to be able to eat an entire large pizza from Pizza Hut in one sitting, though I don't know if I'd be able to do this, this year.

- Try to work my way up to 2 quarts of heavy cream every week. This is much easier said than done.

Other goals, that are unlikely to be achieved in 2021:

- Reach 250 lbs.

- Get to the point where my thighs are as big around as my waist was, when I started. This will be very psychologically satisfying.
3 years

Goals for the new year?

Well for me since I’ve recently went through a break up; one of my new year’s resolution is to get into a relationship again. Hopefully this time my next girlfriend would be into having a belly and eating and such.

Another is to actually have a good Christmas with that relationship especially when it comes to meeting members of my family that they haven’t met yet!

It’s not much, but it’s what I have so far.
3 years