Do people actually pay/send money to watch others eat on here?
Please be aware that the rules of this site prohibit the open discussion of exchanging money, gifts, etc between users in general or for content in shouts, in descriptions on content, on profiles, or on the forum.
Such discussions must be kept to private areas or they will be removed for solicitation.
Rule 8. giving and receiving gifts
It's nice to both give and receive gifts, perhaps as an appreciation for uploaded content or food to help you on your weight gain journey. However no one wants to be pestered with unwanted soliciting or begging for gifts, so to prevent this and distinguish gift giving from commercial use please ensure the following:
> There is no exchange of money from one person to another
> Wish lists and similar are kept to profiles only
> Requests for gifts are kept to private areas only, such as private messages or private chat
> Other members are not annoyed with excessive nagging or begging
Presently this forum post has not crossed the line into anyone engaging in solicitation, so it will remain up. However, should that change in the future it will be locked or removed.
Thank you in advance for complying with the rules.