
Why are fa's so closeted?

I personally have always been attracted to bigger women and I could care less about it because I was happy to be dating my type and yeah I saw other males feel shame for it but I told them when you go after what you are attracted to that even if you get rejected by her; at least you tried to talk to her and to me that is a win win. But after so many dry spells, I became fatter over time and I started to notice that I had so many fit females come up to me secretly because they were ashamed of their likes due to we residing in one of the top fittest areas in the nation. The fatter I became, the bigger women were not only self conscious of themselves but embarrassed of their attraction to obese males. On both sides, it is an overt need to belong and any other likes other than the "norm" is seen as some abnormality when it is nothing of the sort.
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

As an FA myself I almost always worry about how would a girl react when I tell them that I’m a attracted to big girls, or let alone bellies.

Unfortunately whenever I bring up the belly topic the conversation goes awkward or the “I hate my belly” comment. So that’s why I usually am closed off outside this fetish environment.

But another thing I was thinking is that sometimes even FAs get just as much hate as for BBW or SSBBW. People would think that we’re f****ed up for why we like this.

However I have had success in the past and it does feel really nice for some girl to be completely fine with what I like, and that’s why it means a lot to me!

To make a long story short: I understand that being a BBW or BHM can be difficult, but being something who is attracted to them is even harder.
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

I'm a fat girl and over the years, the fact that less people have hit on me in public has taken a toll on my confidence. Now that I'm older , I know better (most of the time) that there ARE people out there that prefer bigger, fatter bodies.

Why are you all so quiet about it in real life?!

I mean, of course there are the societal norms and pressures... but could someone explain it to me simply, laymen terms?

No closet here :-) I’ve enjoyed the company of gaining or fat ladies all my life. My wife is a proud 305 pounds and we couldn’t be happier :-)
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

Maybe as you get older there's less single guys in your age group to hit on you. Could be your not hanging out in the same places you did a few years ago. Who knows really.
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

Location, location, location.
In bigger cities with the fat acceptance movement you have more leeway. I openly tell people I don't mind bigger girls at work and get chuckles. You do have alot of pushback from people who feel it is being forced upon them with billboards and shaming and although it is a small percentage I do see it. If a man in Chicago explain to your average woman here that he rejected a woman even respectfully for just a few too many pounds he is satan incarnate. Can't speak on much more as far as personal experience goes. I was in the closet because people instantly associated my love for bigger girls with the crazies that expect forced gains against their will.

One girl I knew in highschool told people I forced her to gain weight even though I never saw her outside of school to feed her because of family issues. She didn't have a problem with me liking big girls when she was the one I liked. I was respectful of her even when being intimate, never shamed her in either direction. You preferences can be a liability later, like bdsm into domestic abuse. Not saying every claim is fake, nor am I saying it is the vast majority of people just be aware that it does happen.

Oakland CA, and literally any city in the South is a great place to be fat and to love fat. Portland is a piece of shit thou, and basically every city in the PNW, when it comes to plus size acceptance. The whole region is one big Nike commercial
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

Because its not acceptable by society to find fat bodies beautiful.

Though saying that if you openly admit your a fat admirer in public. Chances are you will be branded a fetishit. So I really keep my fat admiration to fat safe spaces such as fantasy feeder.

Many times by your own partner! I've got a 2 year rule when it comes to kinks and relationships. If we haven't been together for 2 years, and we didn't meet on a feedist website (does that even happen to anyone?) she's probably gonna publicly shame me and call me a psychopathic piece of shit fetishist if I tell her that I think "very, VERY fat" bodies are beautiful and that feedism is a bit more subtle and nuanced in it's path to intimacy than the media portrays it as. On dating sites it's totally fine to say you don't talk to no one under 6 feet, or no fatties allowed, but proudly announce that you openly love larger bodies, and watch how quickly matches dry up in the local dating pool
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

I honestly think it has a lot to do with maturity. I guy/girl that is comfortable and secure with themselves will like what they like and not give a crap what others think. When someone likes a fit or muscular body we don’t say they fetishize that body so really what’s the difference? It’s really just a preference.
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

Patriarchy? Women as status symbols?

Or maybe just afraid of comments?
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

Because they’re afraid of getting laughed at.

But my thing is, if they crack on you, crack on them back. 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

Like if they got a problem with your fat significant other. Tell them:

“Yeah? Well I got a problem with yo girl being so skinny that kids from Africa send HER 80 cents a day 🤷🏿‍♂️“
4 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

I've never wanted to make a guy feel uncomfortable by telling him his chubbiness is a turn on. I mean I have in the past but it didn't end well so I'm hesitant to try irl again

Safer to save that for online communities where I know it's kosher

I just want to say as a man who has been fat and shy since childhood that I waited for most of 20 years for an FA woman to tell me that she was interested and it just never happened. I came to believe that no woman would ever find me attractive. I never had a woman say she liked my fat belly until I found the online feederism community in my late 30’s!
I would say that many fat men are not used to being approached by women in general and may be suspicious of their intentions, but I certainly would have appreciated a woman taking the initiative!
4 years
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