Fat experiences

Workin at a donut shop

I recently got my first job, at a donut shop no less!! As a feeder, it's like a dream come true?? So I'm the baker, i make the muffins croissants and bagels, then the donuts come fresh on these big carts and i tray em up and do quality control. The reject donuts, which don't have enough icing or are smashed, get thrown away if no one wants em which is hard for me smiley I finally got the courage to offer a manager some today but he didn't want any. I also have a "crush" on another one of the other managers there lol i haven't gotten brave enough to offer him the reject donuts yet-
I so badly wish I could bring the rejects to my boyfriend!! But he's been coming over every other weekend, ordering multiple sandwiches and stuff for himself which is nice. And i brought home donuts for him a few times. Anyway l love the job so far! They're teaching me how to make coffee now which I don't particularly like making but I'm sure these drinks have a lotta idk calories with all the stuff in em when they're not black coffees??

You have my dream job! The thought of selling donuts and pastries to women and girls, not even mentioning eating all those rejected donuts. I’d be huge in no time, but all fat and happy!
3 years