
Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

If woman playfully hits a guy she’s dating but the guy doesn’t like it and asks for her to stop and she doesn’t. Is he being “dramatic” and “needs to get help” for telling her he doesn’t want to date her anymore?
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

If she hits and says she is playing but still won't stop I think if I were a guy I would break it off.
Its not being dramatic IMO because what will she be liable to do when she is really upset?
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

If she hits and says she is playing but still won't stop I think if I were a guy I would break it off.
Its not being dramatic IMO because what will she be liable to do when she is really upset?

Exactly. Also what will happen if the guy is forced to defend himself. He will automatically be the bad guy
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Sadly that is what would happen more than likely.
If you love someone hitting is not OK and that goes for both partners.
If you are just dating and not happy in the relationship nothing wrong with not wanting to date that person anymore.
Dating is the process of finding out if you are compatible or not.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

I dont care what gender you are, "please stop hitting me" should not be ignored or brushed aside. Imagine if you hit her just as hard and said "just playing, right?"
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

I was in an abusive relationship with someone who regularly hit me and insulted me. She even stabbed me.

She refused to acknowledge her toxic behaviors and reinforced I was the toxic one, and went around saying I was abusive.

I broke it off with her, so she retaliated by outing me as a feeder on a Facebook group exposing abusers, saying I preyed on plus sized women.

Good riddance. My advice would be to NEVER ignore even the smallest red flags. This goes for all genders/gender identities. Nobody is worth being abused.

I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm glad you got out.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Abuse is wrong no mater which partner is doing it.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

If woman playfully hits a guy she’s dating but the guy doesn’t like it and asks for her to stop and she doesn’t. Is he being “dramatic” and “needs to get help” for telling her he doesn’t want to date her anymore?

She's immature, doesn't understand what it means to respect others, and by NO means is it "dramatic" to ask her to stop. That shit does NOT fly with me. Hands off means hands off. She clearly doesn't respect you and I would also walk away.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Good point.
Immature and lacks respect for others.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Good point.
Immature and lacks respect for others.

I've known women like this, my mom would call them "silly girls" and life is too short for this garbage.
4 years
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