
Weight gain and appetite

Was wondering about something and thought I'd throw it out there for the community thoughts on it.

How much does someone's weight affect their appetite? I know that it's typically seen like someone with a big appetite will naturally gain weight because they eat more.

But what about someone who starts off thin and doesn't have a large appetite who supplements their diet with heavy cream to gain. Like if someone doesn't eat a lot but gets enough calories from drinking heavy cream to gain a substantial amount of weight. Will their appetite naturally get larger as they get bigger?
3 years

Weight gain and appetite

Was wondering about something and thought I'd throw it out their for the community thoughts on it.

How much does someone's weight affect their appetite? I know that it's typically seen like someone with a big appetite will naturally gain weight because they eat more.

But what about someone who starts off thin and doesn't have a large appetite who supplements their diet with heavy cream to gain. Like if someone doesn't eat a lot but gets enough calories from drinking heavy cream to gain a substantial amount of weight. Will their appetite naturally get larger as they get bigger?

So, about a month ago I decided to start increasing my daily calorie intake to a bit more than I have historically needed. (Actually doing a whole complicated experiment with myself, so, that's a bit of a simplified statement) In the first couple of weeks, I found that I was making myself eat and drink when I wasn't even hungry just to "make quota". But after those couple of weeks of consistently consuming a higher calorie intake, my body adjusted to it and I find myself hungry even after I've already met "quota"... Though I haven't gained very much and my activity level has also increased (part of the experiment I'm doing) so that may also be affecting my appetite.

It does some time to get over the little humps here and there but as long as you are happy in your body then rock it!!!!
3 years

Weight gain and appetite

This might be enlighteningfor you, but fat people eat when they're not hungry.

They eat out of boredom. They eat for a small pleasure. They eat for comfort. They eat out of curiosity. They eat out of pure habit. They eat because they want to sit down and relax.

The whole point of why they're fat is they continually eat even when their body doesn't need or is signaling for more calories.
3 years

Weight gain and appetite

This might be enlighteningfor you, but fat people eat when they're not hungry.

They eat out of boredom. They eat for a small pleasure. They eat for comfort. They eat out of curiosity. They eat out of pure habit. They eat because they want to sit down and relax.

The whole point of why they're fat is they continually eat even when their body doesn't need or is signaling for more calories.

That's a fair point. A lot of the ssbbw/ssbhm I follow do say that grazing is the key.
3 years