
At what point do you reach the point of no return?

Once you really get consumed by the idea of gaining weight which then gets reinforced by actually gaining weight. The inhibition level might sink to a level where this fetish is inevitably making you gain weight because you just don't want it to stop. I think this could be considered a point of no return psychologically.
At least that's the place where I am at at the moment....

John Smith:
I get what you mean and that's a very good insight.

I can reflect about it, as a feeder: my feedee used to share some quite similar fears about the urgent crave for losing control and just let herself go, let everything go and turn herself into some sort of a living pigging machine. The way she spoke about it, how the thrill to ever yield to the temptation was ever scratching within her-- even perhaps slowly withering away a little more of her self-control, her willpower to maintain her moral self or public facade who had to work for a living, earn money, had projects and all the following subtleties and intricacies of being an young single woman... that was an everyday fight. A fight that was someday easy, someday easier, someday hard and the other day way harder. There has moments she admitted the thought of just leaving her clerk job and social life, slacking at home and all was crossing hee mind every once and again: just sparing her whole time and money porking out endlessly every single day and just see how many hundreds of pounds she can pack within a year, literally (and she could: the girl was capable to effortlessly pack 20 pounds within two weeks prior plateau-ing and shedding it for a couple of more weeks, even once she did gain 25 pounds in six days!) .

She somehow knew that was a fight she will lose, sooner or later-- preferably later, she once admitted. Except that some part of her want to actually lose it .

25 pounds in six days?! 🤯
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

John Smith:
Probably a mix of period-induced body water and her having a habit from stress-eating during that same lenght of time. A grown-up woman can swell up around 15-20-lbs bigger within a span of one to few days, while suffering of water retension.

Coupled by the fact she can casually gain around 10 pounds within a week (even a rare record of 25 lbs in six days) , she may have swelled up around 30lbs during this short timespan and shed most of it before her period ends.

Given that she pass the chubby threshold at 160-lbs, I may figure out what happens when that phenonemon occurs to her while starting up from a smaller 130-to-to-140-lbs diet-enforced weight set point...

That's a whole lot of words to say "I have literally no idea how bodies and metabolism work especially for people who menstruate."
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

@Jonh Smith: your feedee seemed to have gained a lot of weight in short periods of time; even 40lbs in two weeks if I am not wrong? It’s pretty impressive. Could you elaborate how it happened?

John Smith:
Probably a mix of period-induced body water and her having a habit from stress-eating during that same lenght of time. A grown-up woman can swell up around 15-20-lbs bigger within a span of one to few days, while suffering of water retension.

Coupled by the fact she can casually gain around 10 pounds within a week (even a rare record of 25 lbs in six days) , she may have swelled up around 30lbs during this short timespan and shed most of it before her period ends.

Given that she pass the chubby threshold at 160-lbs, I may figure out what happens when that phenonemon occurs to her while starting up from a smaller 130-to-to-140-lbs diet-enforced weight set point...

I may not have your expertise but I have highly doubt any human being can put on 25lbs in a few days and not even water weight, even with menstruation. That sounds more like something we could find in a fantasy story for me.
Human body and metabolism do not work that way.
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

Once you reach 200lbs it’s literally hard NOT to gain weight. Especially if you’re eating habits are bad 🙈

Uh oh 😲😬😳😁
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

I think the biggest indication of this is when things you’d do to gain just become a part of normal life.
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

Once you reach 200lbs it’s literally hard NOT to gain weight. Especially if you’re eating habits are bad 🙈

Uh oh 😲😬😳😁

That is me. 100% 😂
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

Once you reach 200lbs it’s literally hard NOT to gain weight. Especially if you’re eating habits are bad 🙈

And at 400lbs is nearly impossible to lose weight without assistance.
3 years

At what point do you reach the point of no return?

That's a whole lot of words to say "I have literally no idea how bodies and metabolism work especially for people who menstruate."

John Smith:
Please House M.D. , enlighten us with your gynecological expertise.

I mean someone already asked you to prove your methods and you spouted off crap like normal that literally doesn't make sense. You don't "gain" water weight, it's the retention of fluids from dehydration.'s%20normal%20to%20gain%20about,skipping%20workouts%20due%20to%20cramps. According to actual doctors, most people only gain a few pounds during periods (and I am someone who has had them at many different weights, and it definitely rings true).

Additionally, the menstrual part of the cycle means your body is actually working harder than normal. The cramps and bleeding and all that fun stuff? That's your body working. ALSO, our metabolism can withstand several thousand extra calories in a week or so without any impact to a person's weight (composition can be affected but weight likely will not). It's a feast/famine function our metabolisms have for our own survival.,as%20increases%20in%20blood%20sugar.

It is only, and I mean only, consistent calorie surplus over an extended period of time that causes that kind of gain.

Someone who peaks at 160 is never, ever going to put on up to forty pounds *in two weeks* because of that.

The only way, ever, that could happen, would be if the person was life-threateningly ill, dealing with therapies like painkillers, steroids, and dialysis.

Also: am a menstruating uterus-haver and have been doing so for over 20 years at weights ranging from over 285lbs to 150. You are full of it and you know it. Your ridiculous and insecure relentless pontificating will never change that fact. Good day.
3 years
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