
Single or double belly?

I have a big round single belly, though I’m starting to get a little bit of a fold around my belly button.
4 years

Single or double belly?

I have a double, but wish I had a big single ball. As for my partner I don't really have a preference
4 years

Single or double belly?

Big flabby double belly at the moment but had a 3rd roll when I was over 400 lbs
4 years

Single or double belly?

I prefer double bellies (female)👍
4 years

Single or double belly?

Love the big ball belly.
4 years

Single or double belly?

I like them both and I think I've even seen a few rare triple bellies on woman before and that was a wonderful treat. The best thing about fat is the sexy shapes are endless.
4 years

Single or double belly?

Double bellies don’t do as much for me as massive bloated single ones. All big bellies are good though!
4 years

Single or double belly?

Definitely a single belly lover, but double is okay too.
4 years

Single or double belly?

Shred you can't predict how and where your gain will be.
4 years

Single or double belly?

Basically its the luck of the draw.
If you gain a lot in the belly over time it will drop due to its weight and gravity then if you gain more you might wind up with a double belly.
I can tell when I gain a bit because my arms start to rub under my arm pits or my thighs rub more on the insides.
4 years
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