Extreme obesity


As a death feeder I definitely get off on ruination, but the idea of it can mean different goals and fetishes to different people, so I think this can be a fun topic.

How do you want to be ruined?

Purely aesthetically--stretch marks, changed face, certain hygienic issues, skin so stretched by fat that you'll never look the same without many expensive surgeries, even with weight loss?

Health--ruined joints, permenantly stretched stomach lining, severe hygienic problems, chronic illness, conditions that hinder or prevent weight loss without surgery, permenant cardiovascular damage, lymphoedema, irreversible diabetes, etc?

Psychological--food addiction, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, dependency, broken will, a feeling of uselessness, wasted potential that can never be regained, feeling too far gone, knowing you're so fat that only attractive to someone who wants to assist in your slow suicide?

Why do you want to be ruined?

Does the thing being ruined directly turn you on? Which is to say, it just does and you don't know why. It didn't develope from another fetish, but the moment you saw it in someone else, or it happened by accident to you, you were turned on.

Did it develope from a similar fetish? An overall desire to be controlled, hurt, to please?

Did it develope from a coping mechanism? A way to turn suffering or self hatred into pleasure?

Is it an excuse? Are you scared of your inherent fetish (mobility issues, health issues, or even just becoming obese), and the more ruined you become, the further gone you are, the easier it is to just let it happen? Does having someone destroy your body ALLOW you to get off on it because now the damage is done/irreversible?

Explore your darkness with this one ๐Ÿ’

For me its the psychological One ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
4 years


So hot๐Ÿคค love the idea of wasted potential ๐Ÿ˜ especially the psychological ones. Iโ€™m an addict. And of course ruining my young body to a point of no return

Oh, this does sound nice.
3 years


My thought of being ruined , would morbidly obese. I have a fantasy of eating or being fed to death.
3 years


Sometimes its a matter of seeing your future looking back at you like a mirrored reflection. The you that exists now vs the you down the road.
I watch documentaries as it feels so vivid to feel so close to their experiences, separating the lies told to the public while seeing their unspoken truths.
3 years


I've slowly been thinking about this dark side of this fetish. I would never tell my wife though since she has bad anxiety issues and she would definitely worry about me. But lately I've been thinking about how my current junk food diet is going to affect my health and it's been turning me on. I've been drinking about 3 to 4 cans of Mountain Dew a day for almost a week now, been eating fast food a lot lately and I've been eating snack cakes too. I rarely eat anything healthy. I have a endocrinologist appointment near the end of the month and I'm sure she's going to hound me again for not losing weight, but instead I gained weight and I bet I weigh more than I did when I first seen her back in July of last year. (And during that time I was 217 lbs, I don't know my current weight yet. Also I'm a trans guy who's been on hormones for five months now hence why I go to a endocrinologist. I'm not diabetic, well yet at least. smiley I bet if I keep this junk food diet up I will be. smiley )
3 years


Definitely the psychological factors for me. I was always turned on by the fantasy of getting big and the humiliation that would come with the weight gain. When I actually started gaining in real life about 8 years ago I found that a D/s relationship turned me on the most. I've been subbing for a sadistic Dom for the last 2 years and in that time I've developed a binge eating disorder and food addiction. I've tried to stop several times because I'm still on the fence about becoming obese but the most I can go without a binge is usually about a week. When I really try to stop and can't is when I realize how much my will power has been broken. It all started as more of a game, just D/s play and I was very strong willed. But it's developed into something much more real now. My Dom did a really good job of slowly getting me addicted and dependent. He says I'm one of the most pathetic and easily malleable subs he has now.
And as far as why I want to be ruined, I think it's mostly the excuse option. I still don't want to be ruined most of the time but as soon as I'm horny is all I want. Now that I'm gaining and binging more that also turns me on and gets me wishing I was super obese like I've always fantasized about. I still don't know how much I'll end up gaining. My relationship to this fetish keeps changing. For the most part it's moving in the direction of me getting fatter, especially because of the Dom I'm sexually dependent on now.
3 years


The dark aspects of humiliation and ruination have always been appealing mostly due to personal arousal at being in a position or state of weakness.

How would I like to be ruined if such a thing came true? Stretchmarks, cellulite, rolls everywhere, double to triple and more chins, facial fat making me unrecognizable, a walking circus fat lady if walking is even possible. The permanence of it..

Health wise? Oxygen usage at times, diabetees, permanently expanded fat cells making weight loss a fictional dream. Tiring easily, physical weakness, usage of mobility scooters. Flatulence and belching. Sweating from exertion.

Psychologically? Gluttony becoming my main personality facet, Emotionally coping with life problems and feelings through comfort eating, fragile will, lack of discipline, becoming a pathetic characterization of the stereotypical "Fat American" the way other nations might see people over here, a loop of arousal and self destruction, knowing I will forever be some obese hog till my death and that all my potential was wasted.

For me eating has bloomed into a weird source of arousal and pleasure. I'm morbidly curious to see myself spiral out of control as to get fatter and fatter without a clear limit. I ironically like myself but I also see things from a spiritual perspective of wanting to explore it instead of resist or ignore that kind of change.

Eating very well might be an addiction and coping mechanism but through the years my weight has yo yo'd if only due to being a poor NEET who's only ever worked off the books doing caretaking or work for room and board.

Mobility issues and health issues are scary, it's in a way really dark of a fetish but arousal and facination draw me like a moth to the flame or in this case a pig to the slaughter house. Sure I like the nicer aspects of feederism but I've always been a person with odd thoughts and feels.
3 years


That is so fucked up but so much hotter! ๐Ÿ˜‚ though I do humbly agree with your last paragraphsmiley
3 years


The dark aspects of humiliation and ruination have always been appealing mostly due to personal arousal at being in a position or state of weakness.

How would I like to be ruined if such a thing came true? Stretchmarks, cellulite, rolls everywhere, double to triple and more chins, facial fat making me unrecognizable, a walking circus fat lady if walking is even possible. The permanence of it..

Health wise? Oxygen usage at times, diabetees, permanently expanded fat cells making weight loss a fictional dream. Tiring easily, physical weakness, usage of mobility scooters. Flatulence and belching. Sweating from exertion.

Psychologically? Gluttony becoming my main personality facet, Emotionally coping with life problems and feelings through comfort eating, fragile will, lack of discipline, becoming a pathetic characterization of the stereotypical "Fat American" the way other nations might see people over here, a loop of arousal and self destruction, knowing I will forever be some obese hog till my death and that all my potential was wasted.

For me eating has bloomed into a weird source of arousal and pleasure. I'm morbidly curious to see myself spiral out of control as to get fatter and fatter without a clear limit. I ironically like myself but I also see things from a spiritual perspective of wanting to explore it instead of resist or ignore that kind of change.

Eating very well might be an addiction and coping mechanism but through the years my weight has yo yo'd if only due to being a poor NEET who's only ever worked off the books doing caretaking or work for room and board.

Mobility issues and health issues are scary, it's in a way really dark of a fetish but arousal and facination draw me like a moth to the flame or in this case a pig to the slaughter house. Sure I like the nicer aspects of feederism but I've always been a person with odd thoughts and feels.

I want that!!!!
3 years


Piggyobese I have ran out of views and canโ€™t see your message for another 4 hours :/ sorry
3 years
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