Fat experiences

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I made a booth at an Arby's groan loudly once.
A GF of mine was in the booth and she is a big girl too so we figured there was close to 800 lbs on the bench so I moved to the other side.
Safety first you know.
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I broke my office chair
5 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

2 toilet seats, a chair, and a bed ✌
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

I haven't done it yet, but I want to be big enough to do so. :3
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Over my lifetime: 3 beds (2 that weren't mine), 4 toilet seats, 5 couches that were sunken in in my spot, 1 rocking chair, bent 2 metal chairs and I dunno how many office chairs but it's usually busting one of the arms out or scooting and breaking off the wheels on the legs...so I'd say maybe 8 to 10.
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

One toilet seat, one desk chair, one folding chair, and 2 beds, one of the bed broke multiple times and was fixed each time. And crack the plastic of the driver seat of my car
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Wife and I have unhinged the toilet seat a time or three :-)
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Short, yes. Cheap toilet seats, folding chairs, my ikea chair, pretty proud of this one, a bed frame during sex.
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

While I haven’t broken a piece of furniture yet I did accidentally break one of the vent covers the other day since I had sat down on my foot rest which I didn’t know was on top of the vent, oops. xD
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

Broke the top bunk once. Granted it was wooden, relatively worn out, and a kid's bunk. Still was exciting
3 years
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