Lifestyle tips

How to avoid a double belly?

Do you have any fat relatives? Look at them and how they carry their weight, a lot of it is genetics.
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

It’s all about genetics and how your body stores fat. My wife has a double belly which I absolutely love! You could get a nice round hard belly by eating junk food since it would build up visceral fat but too much visceral fat can be very unhealthy for you. If you don’t care about health when it comes to gaining then fatten up with junk. smiley
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

I'm sorry that you're potentially staring down the barrel of a belly type you don't like, but for what it's worth, I and many other think double bellies are super sexy.
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

I believe there is an undeniable correlation between clothing and belly rolls. There are instances of gainers starting with a double belly and, through the correct belly forming habits, develop a single belly further into their gains. The double belly crease(s) will sit along wherever you rest your waistbands. Multiple rolls developing if your underwear rests in a different location to your pants; or where your sleepwear sits. But don't overlook the way you sit or lie. I'd always recommend pretending you're heavily pregnant and moving accordingly. ALWAYS make sure your belly is comfortable and able to bulge out unrestricted.
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

The way fat accumulates is entirely genetic and nothing to do with where you wear clothing. Your waist band sits where it is comfortable, as the fat accrues, not the other way round. Sorry folks!

I'm not sure that's correct, the shape and development of muscle and bone cells are absolutely influenced by mechanical load, so it's not ridiculous to suggest that fat cells could be also. There are plenty of anecdotal cases of heavy people who sit a lot getting flatter buttocks, so I wouldn't discount it.
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

I believe there is an undeniable correlation between clothing and belly rolls. There are instances of gainers starting with a double belly and, through the correct belly forming habits, develop a single belly further into their gains. The double belly crease(s) will sit along wherever you rest your waistbands. Multiple rolls developing if your underwear rests in a different location to your pants; or where your sleepwear sits. But don't overlook the way you sit or lie. I'd always recommend pretending you're heavily pregnant and moving accordingly. ALWAYS make sure your belly is comfortable and able to bulge out unrestricted.

I enjoyed our conversation about this. I’m curious to see what I’ll look like stuffed.
1 year

How to avoid a double belly?

The other factor in belly shape is the kind of fat you gain.

Subcutaneous fat sits just below the skin layer. It's soft and squishy, almost dough like, so your clothing can dig into it easier, and it's more likely to allow your skin to fold to form rolls when you sit, so has a higher chance of turning into a double belly.

Visceral fat on the other hand is stored around the organs, behind your abdominal muscle wall. This means that as you accumulate more of it it presses against your abdominal muscles from behind and tends to result in a much firmer and rounder belly even when you also have some subcutaneous fat, because your muscles are holding all that visceral fat in place, kind of like a very full water balloon.
1 year

How to avoid a double belly?

It has nothing to do with the clothes, believe me! 😂

It's really genetics. In my case, if I don't eat carbs for a week or two, my upper roll starts shrinkink. You can try that, too. Though you will lose weight and scope in general and I think, that's not what you want.
1 year

How to avoid a double belly?

It is genetic. I was FIVE years old being starved because i had one by my parents. Guess who still had one despite being underweight? ME .

You cannot "Get rid of it" unless you are unweight ZERO fat almost on your body or you surgically remove it.

Corsetting I believe can sometimes help or make it worse and form new rolls.
1 year

How to avoid a double belly?

I've noticed that people with double bellies tend to have them where they fasten their pants, shorts, skirts, etc. My recommendation is to avoid clothing with waistbands. It's not a guarantee, but I think it helps a lot. I'm developing a bit of a double belly, but mine is higher up and seems to be forming at a crease that naturally formed around the height of my natural waist.

I think genetics and hormones also play a role. I never had a double belly when I gained weight while taking prednisone.
1 year
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