Fattening others

Side effects of being very fat

Gaining is something I have thought about for a long time and I haven't really asked enough questions about it. What are some of the effects of gaining and being fat, like over 400 pounds? Tell me all the good and bad that come with it.
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

If you are single getting really large could be a huge problem.
I'm 5'4" and when I was 425 lbs things like getting in and out my car was a struggle.
My belly was right up against the steering wheel and that is not really a safe thing if you need to maneuver quickly.
Tying my shoes was extremely difficult and walking up and down stairs was as well.
I would tired really easily and had to rest just walking thru the grocery store.
I am 375 ish now and things are a lot better.
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

The OP of the video appears to have passed on.
I'm posting the link as he shares his experience from 600 to 700lbs.
If it is too morbid, no 1 is forced to watch etc.
I'm posting the link as a learning lesson for those determined to do so, and see the circumstances 1st hand should you decide to follow suit or slow your roll.

4 years

Side effects of being very fat

The OP of the video appears to have passed on.
I'm posting the link as he shares his experience from 600 to 700lbs.
If it is too morbid, no 1 is forced to watch etc.
I'm posting the link as a learning lesson for those determined to do so, and see the circumstances 1st hand should you decide to follow suit or slow your roll.


People love the optics of fatness but not the realities of this lifestyle. Your knees are shot, you get tired walking up flights of steps, you have a belly apron and traditional means of intercourse becomes damn near impossible and a host of other issues. I had to slow my role because I was gaining the wrong type of fat
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

People love the optics of fatness but not the realities of this lifestyle. Your knees are shot, you get tired walking up flights of steps, you have a belly apron and traditional means of intercourse becomes damn near impossible and a host of other issues. I had to slow my role because I was gaining the wrong type of fat[/quote]

You have stronger will than I.
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

People love the optics of fatness but not the realities of this lifestyle. Your knees are shot, you get tired walking up flights of steps, you have a belly apron and traditional means of intercourse becomes damn near impossible and a host of other issues. I had to slow my role because I was gaining the wrong type of fat

You have stronger will than I.[/quote]

My will isn't as strong as it seems. Added to the fact that yours is stronger than you realize; it is just that your addiction to be fat supercedes anything else and that in and of itself is a form of will power.
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

People love the optics of fatness but not the realities of this lifestyle. Your knees are shot, you get tired walking up flights of steps, you have a belly apron and traditional means of intercourse becomes damn near impossible and a host of other issues. I had to slow my role because I was gaining the wrong type of fat

You have stronger will than I.[/quote]

What will ? Remember what I looked like when we first spoke on Feabie and compare that to what I look like now and I gained an additional two hundred pound person so my willpower is damn near non-existent. 🐽🐽🐽🐽
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

What will ? Remember what I looked like when we first spoke on Feabie and compare that to what I look like now and I gained an additional two hundred pound person so my willpower is damn near non-existent. 🐽🐽🐽🐽[/quote]

Good point.
4 years

Side effects of being very fat

What will ? Remember what I looked like when we first spoke on Feabie and compare that to what I look like now and I gained an additional two hundred pound person so my willpower is damn near non-existent. 🐽🐽🐽🐽

Good point.[/quote]

Yeah, it is just a matter of time for you bro; you have more will than I do now. Lol
4 years