
Uncooked cake mix?

Someone here mentioned risk and danger involving consuming uncooked flour, of which is a component of cake mix. He also mentioned heat treating it somehow.

But I haven't heard of that anywhere else. Still may be worth trying to look into though.

The conventional wisdom is that as long as you don't use any raw eggs, it should be fine. Same thing if you eat uncooked cookie dough. Skip the eggs if the recipe calls for that, and obviously no uncooked meat (not that pastries and sweets contain meat anyway).
3 years

Uncooked cake mix?

Raw eggs can give you salmonella, but I doubt you'd be drinking raw eggs anyway. The larger danger is the untreated flour, which can be contaminated with E. coli. It's rare, but does happen. I think you could probably heat treat it in the oven, but I don't have much info on that.
3 years