Feedback and suggestions

Can't upload stories

Whenever I try to update my story, the site deletes anything after 820 words, no matter what search engine I use. I can't even do it on my phone.

Please help.
3 years

Can't upload stories

I know I got back o your private message about this. But just wanted to reply here as well. I have informed hiccupx about the issues you are experiencing.

If you have any further details do provided them here or if anyone else is experiencing similar issues please let us know and give us a detailed account about the error / bug.


FF Team
3 years

Can't upload stories

This is the error I keep getting. Even though my story is over 2000 characters, it deletes everything after 820 so I can’t upload. This happens on my phone and computer
3 years

Can't upload stories

You may need to divide your story into chapters & post each section separately.
3 years

Can't upload stories

Any updates?
3 years

Can't upload stories

Hi no updates as of yet. Hiccupx will usually update the post as when issues are fixed.

Again if you have any further information can you let us know.

Have you tried uploading in smaller chunks?

Have you tried a different device or browser?

Any error messages or notification?

Thank you in advance and please bear with us.
3 years

Can't upload stories

I have tried multiple browsers, but none have worked. And I can’t split the story because the minimum characters is 2000 and any character after 820 is deleted
3 years

Can't upload stories

Problem appears resolved
3 years

Can't upload stories

Apologies regarding the lack of an update with this one.

Hiccupx is pretty busy atm and must have forgotten to update the thread once it was resolved.

Yay for things working!
3 years