Extreme obesity

Young obesity anyone 18+

Currently 21 and about 350. How good am i doing in terms of appearance and should i go for 400? I have been debating it for a while.
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

I'm 18 years old 5foot 5 and 245 pounds how do think I'm looking

Looking sexy!
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

I'm 29 and I weighed myself today and found that I had broken the 400 pound barrier for the first time!
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Im currently at 238lbs but two or three years ago i was at 280lb (more or less) and now i want to gain the weight back
4 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

18, and 280lbs, planning to hit 300 soon, looks bigger on me cuz i'm 5'4", then it's up from there!
3 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

21 and a bmi of 48 soon 50 i hope ☺️☺️
3 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

19 with a bmi of 32. officially obese
3 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

23, 215(ish) lbs, don’t really have a goal lol
3 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

23, 215(ish) lbs, don’t really have a goal lol

That’s still very large for your age!
3 years

Young obesity anyone 18+

Update on an earlier comment in this thread lol. 22 and 325 pounds
3 years
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