
My addictive relationship with feedism

I've been in and out of the feedism scene for the last 3-4 years and everytime due to the extremity of the feedism I enjoy, I have found I end up needing to take a break and lose the gained weight before it too severely impacts my life, because I know I'm not in a position where extreme gaining is viable for me. Currently striving for a balance of indulging in my enjoyment of extreme forced feeding with maintaining a chubby but not hindering weight.
3 years

My addictive relationship with feedism

I've been in and out of the feedism scene for the last 3-4 years and everytime due to the extremity of the feedism I enjoy, I have found I end up needing to take a break and lose the gained weight before it too severely impacts my life, because I know I'm not in a position where extreme gaining is viable for me. Currently striving for a balance of indulging in my enjoyment of extreme forced feeding with maintaining a chubby but not hindering weight.

Yeah, it can become a tight rope trying to balance this lifestyle choice and with every day situations especially fiscally. About twelve years ago, I came into a nice nest egg of money from a relative leaving it to me and we save money and invest so that change grew even more so and I had lost my gig back then so I could just live off of the interest and that took me down the rabbit hole of obesity because I had extra resources to do it. I was new to the life so I made friends online and actually met them to interview them on how they did it but I could only stay in the fringes of this life before because I didn't have the resources.
3 years