Food and recipes

"un-whipped" cream

Know that whipped cream that comes in aerosol cans? Intended to be put on top of shakes, pancakes, waffles, whatever else?

It's delicious, but if you look at the label, the lack of calories is disappointing. A large can of Reddi-Whip has 1,110 calories, but it will take you a long time to consume the entire thing. You also can't spray the entire contents into your mouth all at once. Fortunately, there's a solution to this and it's even cheaper, too.

What you need:
- Heavy whipping cream
- Half & half
- Refined white cane sugar
- Straw (optional)


1) Pour 1 cup of half and half into a microwave safe cup. Heat it up in the microwave for 2 minutes.

2) Pour half a cup of sugar into the half & half. Stir it until the sugar is mixed in well. As it's heated up, it should mix in very quickly.

3) Pour in 1 cup of heavy cream. Stir lightly.

4) Enjoy 1,480 calories of sweet, fattening deliciousness, all in under 20 fl. oz. (it's about 18 fl. oz.)!

I find this tastes a bit like the whipped cream, only a little denser and without the propellant that makes whipped cream in a can fluffy and more voluminous.

I also like to save leftover 20 fl. oz. disposable paper cups (for example from Starbucks) for this purpose.

It's best consumed shortly before going to bed, perhaps after eating as much as possible. A straw is recommended since you can sip and drink it almost mindlessly without a second thought until you hear the bubbling (or however you describe that sound when you suck on a straw but there's no more liquid).

You can have it earlier in the day, but it may reduce feelings of hunger. But only you will know for sure.
3 years