Feedback and suggestions

French group chat ?

I was wondering, as there is already a German and a UK group chat, can we have a French group live chat ?
3 years

French group chat ?


Thanks for your suggestion... Not sure how easy or quick it is to add rooms to chat but we can certainly look into this for you!

Leave it with us!
3 years

French group chat ?


Thanks for your suggestion... Not sure how easy or quick it is to add rooms to chat but we can certainly look into this for you!

Leave it with us!

Thanks for your quick answer !
3 years

French group chat ?


Thanks for your suggestion... Not sure how easy or quick it is to add rooms to chat but we can certainly look into this for you!

Leave it with us!

Thanks for your quick answer !

No problem!

Just as an update. The site owner has said we can do this... but as we are in the middle of some site updates this will have to wait for a little while, but as soon as we can we will get a French chat room added for you!

3 years