3 years
I want to become so obese that I struggle to do daily tasks. I would love to just sit around and gorge myself while playing video games and keep gaining visceral fat until my heart just gives out.
3 years
My darkest fantasy is:
I want to eat myself to morbid obesity in my 20's. Eating take out every day, filling my poor gut with soda and grease making it swell and swell. All I do is play video games and watch reality TV getting dumber and fatter. Turning into a fat, pathetic pig my clothes get tight and I switch permanently to elastic sweat pants. After years of over feeding on sugar and fat I begin to get breathless in my sleep and wake up panting. I go to the DR and they try to get me to lose weight but I come back the next month even fatter. They put me on blood pressure meds, pre diabetes meds and a sleep aponia machine. I go back every few months for check ups and each time my waist is thicker, my weight heavier and my blood pressure higher. I'm so addicted to the sugar and grease I can't stop stuffing my face with it and the DR just gives up trying to tell me to lose weight. I want to only take the elevator because I'd probably be sick if I attempted to walk up the stairs. Relative to other huge Americans I'm not even that big, but my poor body is pumped full with so much junk my heart is struggling to pump greasy blood through my fat arteries. My liver is suffocating in fat, my abdomen inflated and pushing out like a pregnant woman, my stomach permanently stretched out to accommodate my piggy appetite. My ass and thighs so fat they stretch and burst my pants at the seams. I want to go to an amusement park and get stuck on a ride, lines of disappointed and disgusted guests staring at my fat ass waiting till the staff can get me out so they can get on the ride. People even start videoing on me on their phones. Once I get off, I immediately go to a food truck and stuff myself on fried food till my gut painfully full. Other varations of that too, like going to the movies and buying loads of snacks. I sit in the seat and it's really tight but I manage. Over the movie I gorge myself like a pig and by the end can't get out my seat, wrappers of family sized candy and chips surrounding me.
I want to eat myself to morbid obesity in my 20's. Eating take out every day, filling my poor gut with soda and grease making it swell and swell. All I do is play video games and watch reality TV getting dumber and fatter. Turning into a fat, pathetic pig my clothes get tight and I switch permanently to elastic sweat pants. After years of over feeding on sugar and fat I begin to get breathless in my sleep and wake up panting. I go to the DR and they try to get me to lose weight but I come back the next month even fatter. They put me on blood pressure meds, pre diabetes meds and a sleep aponia machine. I go back every few months for check ups and each time my waist is thicker, my weight heavier and my blood pressure higher. I'm so addicted to the sugar and grease I can't stop stuffing my face with it and the DR just gives up trying to tell me to lose weight. I want to only take the elevator because I'd probably be sick if I attempted to walk up the stairs. Relative to other huge Americans I'm not even that big, but my poor body is pumped full with so much junk my heart is struggling to pump greasy blood through my fat arteries. My liver is suffocating in fat, my abdomen inflated and pushing out like a pregnant woman, my stomach permanently stretched out to accommodate my piggy appetite. My ass and thighs so fat they stretch and burst my pants at the seams. I want to go to an amusement park and get stuck on a ride, lines of disappointed and disgusted guests staring at my fat ass waiting till the staff can get me out so they can get on the ride. People even start videoing on me on their phones. Once I get off, I immediately go to a food truck and stuff myself on fried food till my gut painfully full. Other varations of that too, like going to the movies and buying loads of snacks. I sit in the seat and it's really tight but I manage. Over the movie I gorge myself like a pig and by the end can't get out my seat, wrappers of family sized candy and chips surrounding me.
3 years
Mine is to be submissive to an aggressive woman that wants me to feed her and take care of her however she likes... and treats me by making me lick her and riding my face whenever she wants.
Mine is to be submissive to an aggressive woman that wants me to feed her and take care of her however she likes... and treats me by making me lick her and riding my face whenever she wants.
Free use is hot! Being fed is even hotter!
3 years
Darkest not just in general to do with feeding and fattening...?
I’d say my darkest would have to do with things like coercion and exploitation. Having someone manipulate me into getting fatter than I actually want to and then deriding me for being such a pig then forcing me to eat more...
And then there’s also being manipulated into drinking too much alcohol and then being taken advantage of when I’m sloppy drunk.
I’d say my darkest would have to do with things like coercion and exploitation. Having someone manipulate me into getting fatter than I actually want to and then deriding me for being such a pig then forcing me to eat more...
And then there’s also being manipulated into drinking too much alcohol and then being taken advantage of when I’m sloppy drunk.
3 years
to become obese with a mutual partner... not bathe binge on alcohol, food and be lazy... Have the common health issues, have my heart liver clogged in fat, all my organs suffocating in lard..Watch her smelly greasy body get breathless from standing her belly hanging to her cellulite thighs...Get turned on yet cant find my dick...Ya thats mine
3 years
My darkest fantasy? Ummm! Well I have this one where I'm taken to a fattening farm and basically get fed to death so that cannibals can have the human version of foie gras, pork belly, etc... But it's sort of like a luxury farm, so me and the other "piggies" eat lots of delicious foods and get massages and have entertainment and such as we fatten ourselves up for the people who are going to eat us.
3 years