Fattening others

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

This is all really hot! You write well.
4 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

it's almost like these secret FFAs were getting fat vicariously.

I've heard feeders talk about their feedee's growing belly as "mine", and in pictures, you'll often see a feeder resting his or her hand on the feedee's belly. So there is definitely a sense of ownership there.
4 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

I think Female Feeders are actually quite common. They just don't use the lingo and they certainly don't have to visit a website to get what they want.

I personally know a couple women who are most definitely serious feeders, whether they even know it or not. There's something odd I just realized both have in common though.

The first is a Korean American friend -- super traditional. It's crazy how much she spoils people. She was married once and unfortunately he was such a jerk that it ended after several years, but not until she brought him endless snacks while he watched football that he went from jock to butterball with gut spilling literally all around his belt. Not just that hanging gut in front, but nearly a 360 degree all-around hang.

She comments about giving a guy his body weight in cookies or offering fried pastries to help his waistline. She's the real deal. She's taking her current guy on the thin to fat journey, except he's plumping extra fast being quarantined with her.

My jaw dropped at her FB post yesterday. She says: "I'm loving being home to bake all day, but my waistline is hating it!". She says *my* waistline, yet she's just as thin as ever, maybe even skinnier, standing in front of her mixer. But a couple photos later, her guy is reclining with his belly piling up in a mound above his waist, like some life-sized load of bread that she put too much yeast into. But somehow she thinks she is the FAT one.

Another girl I know is the no nonsense type. Cool, bit of a type A, with an absolutely huge husband, well over 450 pounds. He has hips that sway almost like an SSBBW, pillowy arms, and a butter face. I clicked a link to her blog a while back and it was all about postpartum weight loss!

She had alternating posts about how she had the best husband ever (standing proudly next to her SSBHM), and then how she got soo FAT being pregnant that she had to lose 15 pounds to fit back into her size 6 jeans!

The dissonance is so extreme, it's almost like these secret FFAs were getting fat vicariously. Ah, the questions I would love to ask them, but never could smiley

Ah I can definitely relate to these women - there is a total disconnect between your own beauty standards and those you look for in your partner. There are so many things I wouldn't think twice about serving up to my o/h but feel mega-guilty if I indulge. And it's not like being with someone fat makes it any more or less acceptable in my mind for me to be fat myself smiley
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

Great topic! I really agree that there are far more women who are feeders, that don't even know it. I think it's a "mom" thing. My wife used to bring home extra cookies for me from meeting at her job when she was working. Recently we were shopping and going through the bread/bakery section of the supper market she held up some of our/my favorite pastries, I said yes and she asked if I wanted both containers (there were two left) I wanted just one (stupid!).
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

I totally concur with this post; there are plenty of female feeders out there. They just don't know anything about the lifestyle. I have always been somewhat athletic but mostly chubby and it was an ex who brought me into it because I always liked bigger women and she was like: "Wouldn't it be cool if we got you fat now ?" I was concerned at first but she helped me through it. But it wasn't until I moved down south did I realize that they are plenty of women who actually prefer fatter men and getting them fatter. I met a woman when I had a part-time gig at Publix who approached me and she had a facebook group based on women who desired fat men so they are out there.
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

As a female feeder I concur!! I'm rather neurotic about being slim, and love seeing my guy get bigger and bigger. As much as it is an encouragement of indulgence and letting go for him, it's also a major security thing for me - not in the sense of "fatten him up so he won't leave", but because I don't have to anxiously compare our weights/sizes and intake when I'm underweight and he's overweight, when he eats double what I eat. It just feels right and comfortable to be very hard on myself about being slim while encouraging him to let go.
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

I have always enjoyed cooking and baking for other people. And I have always been drawn to and fascinated by fat bodies. In art (Reubens, Botero, etc) and in real life. There's just something beautiful to me about those lush curves on women and men. And if I can feed others to the point where they become big and round, nothing makes me happier.

Yet for my own body, I feel the need to be slim. The level of my obsession ebbs and flows, but I prefer to be a little underweight. I don't think it's because I don't deserve to fatten up to the standard of beauty I find so appealing in others. I think I just need the control over my own shape and size, even as I control the expansion of my feedee. I like looking at the numbers...tracking my calories as I also track the food I feed to others. I think it's interesting that I can survive on a thousand or so calories while I can stuff someone as much as ten times that. I suppose I do get a vicarious thrill from watching someone gorge on ice cream and cake. I can almost taste it myself. I live to watch others enjoy their food, and of course I love watching their bodies grow.

Occasionally I will stuff myself. Just to experience the feeling. But then I will balance it by eating less and exercising more to lose whatever I might have gained. Sometimes i will bloat with water or diet soda and watch my belly get rounder and see the number on the scale go up by a few pounds. Of course for me, it can't be anything more than temporary.
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

Petite Feeder:
I have always enjoyed cooking and baking for other people. And I have always been drawn to and fascinated by fat bodies. In art (Reubens, Botero, etc) and in real life. There's just something beautiful to me about those lush curves on women and men. And if I can feed others to the point where they become big and round, nothing makes me happier.

Yet for my own body, I feel the need to be slim. The level of my obsession ebbs and flows, but I prefer to be a little underweight. I don't think it's because I don't deserve to fatten up to the standard of beauty I find so appealing in others. I think I just need the control over my own shape and size, even as I control the expansion of my feedee. I like looking at the numbers...tracking my calories as I also track the food I feed to others. I think it's interesting that I can survive on a thousand or so calories while I can stuff someone as much as ten times that. I suppose I do get a vicarious thrill from watching someone gorge on ice cream and cake. I can almost taste it myself. I live to watch others enjoy their food, and of course I love watching their bodies grow.

Occasionally I will stuff myself. Just to experience the feeling. But then I will balance it by eating less and exercising more to lose whatever I might have gained. Sometimes i will bloat with water or diet soda and watch my belly get rounder and see the number on the scale go up by a few pounds. Of course for me, it can't be anything more than temporary.

Thanks for sharing your experiences! I think a lot of slender feeders may feel the way that you do! As someone who appreciates a slender feeder, I really think you have a healthy attitude about your own body. Women, more than men in western cultures in general, experience a strong social pressure to be thin with the fairly obvious results of unhealthy relationships with food. Displacing your desire for actually gaining to your partner is really only a problem if your partner isn’t into it! That is why you are here!
I personally love to see a temporarily stuffed/bloated belly on a slender woman - almost as much as I enjoy being stuffed to my limits!
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

It just feels right and comfortable to be very hard on myself about being slim while encouraging him to let go.

Studies have shown that relationships between slim women and fat men have a high level of satisfaction. There does seem to be a “comfort” there. I’ve even heard the gaining process described as “commitment weight” or “a belly wedding ring”.
3 years

Saying she's getting sooo fat when really he is

Petite Feeder:
I have always enjoyed cooking and baking for other people. And I have always been drawn to and fascinated by fat bodies. In art (Reubens, Botero, etc) and in real life. There's just something beautiful to me about those lush curves on women and men. And if I can feed others to the point where they become big and round, nothing makes me happier.

Yet for my own body, I feel the need to be slim. The level of my obsession ebbs and flows, but I prefer to be a little underweight. I don't think it's because I don't deserve to fatten up to the standard of beauty I find so appealing in others. I think I just need the control over my own shape and size, even as I control the expansion of my feedee. I like looking at the numbers...tracking my calories as I also track the food I feed to others. I think it's interesting that I can survive on a thousand or so calories while I can stuff someone as much as ten times that. I suppose I do get a vicarious thrill from watching someone gorge on ice cream and cake. I can almost taste it myself. I live to watch others enjoy their food, and of course I love watching their bodies grow.

Occasionally I will stuff myself. Just to experience the feeling. But then I will balance it by eating less and exercising more to lose whatever I might have gained. Sometimes i will bloat with water or diet soda and watch my belly get rounder and see the number on the scale go up by a few pounds. Of course for me, it can't be anything more than temporary.

You write well, and you have so many great experiences fattening others. You really should write some stories here.
3 years
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