
Eating 7 hotdogs

I personally like to binge on breakfast foods. Generally easy to digest, nice and sweet too. Whole boxes of toaster waffles is a favorite, then bowls of cold cereal, donuts and pastries to top off.
3 years

Eating 7 hotdogs

Why the hell did you dig up an 8 year old dead thread?

I miss hanging out with PlumpPrincess tho. Luv that girl
3 years

Eating 7 hotdogs

I miss Courtney (PP) she was such a sweet person to chat with.
The girl had no ego and so very nice to everyone.
Most girls as pretty as she is have ego issues.
I do miss her for sure.
3 years

Eating 7 hotdogs

I miss Courtney (PP) she was such a sweet person to chat with.
The girl had no ego and so very nice to everyone.
Most girls as pretty as she is have ego issues.
I do miss her for sure.

My favorite was when her ex came into the FF chat to vent about her and we laughed at him into deleting his account.

She herself is a sweetheart.
3 years

Eating 7 hotdogs

I can now eat 24 jumbo hotdogs in one sitting. Now I'm going for 32
3 years
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