
Too good to be true...?

So the other day I met someone and we hit it off pretty well talking about the kink and many other things. We exchanged handles and have been keeping in touch but I'm always surprised at how open they are about sending pictures and such of stuffing and that they are glad to know that i enjoy what they send.

You know how it is, it's too good to be true, right? I know we have a good thing going but in my head it feels like it's not real and we barely know each other.

They say how genuinely glad they are that i enjoy what they do and never ask for anything in return. As much as I love this, it feels almost suspicious. I mean, most of you probably have been in similar situations, right?

So there's this imposter syndrome, where i don't think I deserve what they do to me but also that it might be a trick that they are setting up. But at the same time i feel bad that they might be genuine and I just might be trampling on their feelings because of these thoughts.
3 years

Too good to be true...?

So the other day I met someone and we hit it off pretty well talking about the kink and many other things. We exchanged handles and have been keeping in touch but I'm always surprised at how open they are about sending pictures and such of stuffing and that they are glad to know that i enjoy what they send.

You know how it is, it's too good to be true, right? I know we have a good thing going but in my head it feels like it's not real and we barely know each other.

They say how genuinely glad they are that i enjoy what they do and never ask for anything in return. As much as I love this, it feels almost suspicious. I mean, most of you probably have been in similar situations, right?

So there's this imposter syndrome, where i don't think I deserve what they do to me but also that it might be a trick that they are setting up. But at the same time i feel bad that they might be genuine and I just might be trampling on their feelings because of these thoughts.

Don't ever feel bad for feeling this way; there is nothing wrong with being skeptical until you see consistent congruency between their words and actions. You have to be safe on here and set boundaries for yourself because you have folks all over the globe on here and so many people on here are here just to pilfer money from folks. Some are here just to get off to fat chat. I had someone who saw me chatting with another person in the chat and they started talking about how they wanted to get fat like I have and I gave them everything I did so the very next day the deleted one profile to start another and then apologize that they used the conversation to fake like that wanted to get fat so they could actually masturbate to the fat talk so always set your boundaries and realize that folks on here are strangers you don't know.
3 years

Too good to be true...?

Don't ever feel bad for feeling this way; there is nothing wrong with being skeptical until you see consistent congruency between their words and actions. You have to be safe on here and set boundaries for yourself because you have folks all over the globe on here and so many people on here are here just to pilfer money from folks. Some are here just to get off to fat chat.

I mean its not too bad of a thing to get off on it but If that were to be the case I would prefer at least for them to be honest about it and not hide their intentions like what happened in your case.

You know how it is for guys. We can't ever expect much so I'm keeping things in check. We haven't exchanged much information so far. Just idle chatter and some fat chat. But I will take your advice in account and keep my eyes open for anything.
3 years