Extreme obesity

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

I just wanted to binge, and i couldn't lose the weight. And repeat...
4 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

I just wanted to binge, and i couldn't lose the weight. And repeat...

What were some foods you binged on?? Or did you eat anything in sight?

Just, like whatever was at the college cafeteria I guess...
4 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

I think my decision is like most gainers. As I get FATTER I just want to get even FATTER. I enjoy watching my big Fat belly grow BIGGER and Bigger.
4 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

I have stuck at 220 for a long time and long the belly and ass fat I have so far. I'm obviously not even close to morbidly obese, but I want to be just because of what I imagine I would look like in the future. I want a lot of fat to play with. That's for sure.
3 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

For me, it was just another goal as I continued to gain weight. It's amazing how gaining changes your perspective as you grow larger. I used to think 250 pounds was huge, and I wondered what it was like to be so fat. I now weigh 283 pounds, and am looking forward to pushing past 300 pounds.
3 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

Honestly I always wanted to be huge. Several of my parents friends were quite fat and I wanted to look like them.
The end goal was originally 300 and it's become bigger over time, but I always intended to be huge.
3 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

It was a natural progression for me in which I let the greed become a mind of its own. I moved away with a woman to change things up and we went all in into this life to the point that I had really not had that "I am fat" moment until I caught my gut hanging below my shirt in Walmart and by then I was too addicted to the food and the results
3 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

When I started to embrace the lifestyle and find myself more and more attractive and manly the bigger i was getting.
3 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

Ever since I could remember I wanted to be fat. I was discouraged from doing it from my parents.

When I moved out on my own, I tried gaining a bit of weight - about 30 lbs, but the experience was pretty negative. Part of it was my fault - I was eating a bad diet in order to help me gain. Lost the weight, figuring that the reality was too different from the fantasy I had in my head.

About a decade later, I was presented with the opportunity to try it again - and gained slower and with my health more in mind. The funny thing was, when I got up to 300 lbs, I didn't really feel that big. So, decided to let myself gain more. smiley Got to 350, still felt small, and kept going up in increments.
3 years

How did you decide you wanted to be morbidity obese?

I've always wanted to be fat, since I was about 14. I remember my best friend's sister was huge and I recall mentioning to my parents that I didn't care if I got as big as her. I was chubby at the time, and gaining weight because my appetite increased and I wanted to fatten myself up. Sadly though my grandmother made me lose some weight, and so I stayed around 125-130 up until I found this site. xD That was in 2010, and I was 20 then. I started purposely gaining again and got up to around 170 but at the time I didn't have a lot of money, so I couldn't indulge as much as I wanted to. I also stopped gaining at this point, but then in 2016 I got the urge to gain again. That time I gained up until I was around 195 or so but started to lose interest in gaining... Then last year I had a bad reaction to something and I started taking steroids to help with the reaction. I ended up gaining about 10 lbs due to my appetite increasing. Then I started transitioning back in August, and lately I've been giving into my increased appetite from that. I'm up to around 230 lbs now and I'm still gaining. I'm also very short so my bmi is at 44 so I'm already in class iii obesity. smiley
3 years
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