Story authors

Levels of fat words

I was wondering what would be your guys' opinion on the use of words such as pudgy, podgy, chubby, tubby, chunky, thick and fat, etc...

Like what levels would you say these correspond to in terms of someone's weight? would you consider someone between 150-200lb as chubby or pudgy, or even thick maybe?

The description would have to be linked to their height/weight proportions. An example would be a chubby girl would be say five foot one inch and weigh one hundred and forty pounds. Another girl would be slim (not skinny) being five foot eight inches tall and weigh the same one hundred and forty pounds. A guy who is five foot seven and weighs two hundred pounds would be chunky. However a guy who is six foot two inches tall would be slim at two hundred pounds. The words you use to describe body type is up to you of course. Just keep your choices consistent, a guy who is five foot seven and weighs two hundred and thirty pounds would be fat, not chunky.
3 years