Fat experiences

What is the best thing when you are fat?

This forum post might be a bit fun, I have been a skinny person all of my life, and just recently, I have thought to give it a go and try to gain some weight! So I yearn for some positive things!

Now tell me, what is something you LOVED when you gained weight? Did you love how slow you were moving? Did you get more attention? I mean, even if it is small as being stuck in your car seat!

Thanks for your answers. I just thought this might be fun for everyone!
4 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

I’ve always been a big, so I don’t really relate to the wg part but I can tell you that being the fat friend is awesomel. 1.) when out to eat, people give you there food if they can’t finish it all, can’t tell you how many times I’ve been given food people just didn’t wanna eat 2.) relating to eating, people think just getting a bite to eat with you is activity in itself and people tend to be more relaxed around food with you and 3.) you set the pace when out walking in the group.

Wow! Sounds exciting, I can’t wait to be the person to set the pace haha.
4 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

I'm still gaining weight, and I still LOVE this about it. I love the way my fat inhibits my ability to move my body.

It's an amazing contradiction. My fat is so incredibly soft and squishy. Despite this, it dramatically limits my range of motion. I am constantly amazed at how much more effort it takes to move from a reclining sitting position to sitting straight up. Despite the softness, my fat does physically get in the way and impair my movement.

Tying my shoelaces is a perfect example of this. I need to unbutton and unzip my jeans first and, despite all this, it's so hard to tie my shoelaces that I'm left breathless by the time I'm done. I can feel the resistance in my belly, legs, and chest as I bend and reach forward.

I love feeling my fat resisting me. It's such a turn-on.
3 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

It's the softness of my body that makes it amazing. My fat face and having that double chin makes it fuller. As for my belly, it's gotten so big that it rests on my lap (it jiggles when I walk or should I say waddle). I don't wear shoes with laces anymore; I found slip-on sneakers. I'm already between 200 and 300-lbs. I'm fifty pounds away from being 300-lbs. If you ask me do I love being fat? The answer is yes.
3 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

no uh:
This forum post might be a bit fun, I have been a skinny person all of my life, and just recently, I have thought to give it a go and try to gain some weight! So I yearn for some positive things!

Now tell me, what is something you LOVED when you gained weight? Did you love how slow you were moving? Did you get more attention? I mean, even if it is small as being stuck in your car seat!

Thanks for your answers. I just thought this might be fun for everyone!

Looking in the mirror at my bulging belly is quite a turn on. I wear the smallest briefs I can fit into, the briefs accentuate how much weight I’ve gained. Taking a shower lathering up my belly.
3 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

It's the softness of my body that makes it amazing. My fat face and having that double chin makes it fuller. As for my belly, it's gotten so big that it rests on my lap (it jiggles when I walk or should I say waddle). I don't wear shoes with laces anymore; I found slip-on sneakers. I'm already between 200 and 300-lbs. I'm fifty pounds away from being 300-lbs. If you ask me do I love being fat? The answer is yes.

I loved this discription 😉
2 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

I have mixed feelings about this aspect of gaining. I’ve always been fit and active, so the physical limitations are very much a mind fuck still…

But it’s the sharpest reminder that I’m fat fat now, I’m not that little fit thing anymore… obese…. Technically morbidly obese… the fat girl that breaks chairs and may not fit in an airplane seat much longer… the super flexible girl who can’t just easily clip her toenails anymore since her fat belly is in the way… so all those little things add up to do a psychological number on me that makes me a needy wet mess.

But my faaavorite is the attention, it’s a bit different from the right people. It’s more primal, physical, grabby. I love using my whole body during sex but most normal guys even when I was skinny don’t operate like that… but being fat… man I love being grabbed and jiggled and touched ALL over… ugh, it’s fantastic!

And I feel like I’m even in more demand as a fat girl, I don’t lack for partners, I have more than I can actually handle. And I think I’m surprised a bit by that sometimes, since I’ve heard other women complain about that being a problem.
2 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

I have mixed feelings about this aspect of gaining. I’ve always been fit and active, so the physical limitations are very much a mind fuck still…

But it’s the sharpest reminder that I’m fat fat now, I’m not that little fit thing anymore… obese…. Technically morbidly obese… the far girl that breaks chairs and may not fit in an airplane seat much longer… the super flexible girl who can’t just easily clip her toenails anymore since her fat belly is in the way… so all those little things add up to do a psychological number on me that makes me a needy wet mess.

Weirdly, outside of enjoying the softening, getting bigger and flabbier, the physical limitations part really kinda make me aware of just how fat I am. I love just struggling as my belly gets in the way loads.
2 years

What is the best thing when you are fat?

I like that my body matches more who I feel like I really am. Since gaining, people have referred to me as "big guy." I sense more smiles and comradery from other fat people. It just feels right to be able to fill out an XXXL shirt. I think I felt more insignificant being thinner. It's nice to take up space, to have a presence, to give a big, giant hug. I like that when someone flirts with me, I immediately know that they like someone with a belly. Before, I felt like an imposter in a thin body. I feel more at home now.

I'm glad you feel more comfortable in your own skin now.
2 years