Fat experiences

Ever get stuck?

I got stuck in a door tonight....first time ever. I feel like I've really packed on enough fat to feel good about myself. It didn't take long, but getting stuck in that doorway aroused me. Yes, there's a pic. Where have you gotten stuck. Was it arousing? Did you feel proud?

God, the first time I got stuck was right after stuffing myself all day long. I was so full I could barely move, so when I finally managed to move myself out of the couch and waddle into my bedroom, I couldn't pass through the door frame. It was when I realised I was waaay heavier than before and it felt cool to know that. Also I had to spend the rest of the night on the couch (which is not the best, but at least I could sneak in some candy)
4 years

Ever get stuck?

Unfortunately no. I'm nowhere fat enough to be stuck, but I want to become that big someday. I love the thought of me getting stuck, while my oversize belly and ass stick out.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Two years ago, I went to a restaurant with my mother and sister; where we were seated at a booth. The booth was small that I barely squeezed into the booth. I nearly gotten stuck in a booth since I am heavier than my mother and sister.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Almost got stuck in a booth out Outback Steakhouse. Had I been with a feeder, it likely would have happened but I was with someone not into feederism so I didn’t pig out nearly as much as I could or should have. My belly was stuck under the table and I couldn’t stand up because of it. I had to slide out of the booth butt first and sort of twist out of the booth. I think of that as a missed opportunity.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Two years ago, I went to a restaurant with my mother and sister; where we were seated at a booth. The booth was small that I barely squeezed into the booth. I nearly gotten stuck in a booth since I am heavier than my mother and sister.

I hate the booths that have the table that doesn't because my gut is always grating against the table so I can empathize with this
3 years

Ever get stuck?

The table was and odd height for me because I had to keep my boobs over the table and my belly under the table to be able to fit. It wasn’t very comfortable and got less so as my belly started to press against the underside.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

The table was and odd height for me because I had to keep my boobs over the table and my belly under the table to be able to fit. It wasn’t very comfortable and got less so as my belly started to press against the underside.

What is crazy though, I feel your pain because I am fat enough that I have to do the same thing and I wouldn't be able to say that over a hundred pounds ago. 🐽🐽🐽🐽
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Oh definitely the same for me too. Sometimes I’m still surprised by how big I’ve gotten and how it’s changed so many things for me. Booths are pretty much out of the question now. I’m even fatter now then when I almost got stuck. Probably by a good 15 lbs.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Oh definitely the same for me too. Sometimes I’m still surprised by how big I’ve gotten and how it’s changed so many things for me. Booths are pretty much out of the question now. I’m even fatter now then when I almost got stuck. Probably by a good 15 lbs.

I know that feeling all too well. It is like we woke up and we were obese but eventually we realize that we ate ourselves to this level so it goes from a feeling of amazement to a feeling of accomplishment so we keep going.
3 years

Ever get stuck?

Almost got stuck in a booth out Outback Steakhouse. Had I been with a feeder, it likely would have happened but I was with someone not into feederism so I didn’t pig out nearly as much as I could or should have. My belly was stuck under the table and I couldn’t stand up because of it. I had to slide out of the booth butt first and sort of twist out of the booth. I think of that as a missed opportunity.

Two missed opportunities - not pigging out at Outback (unbelievable) and not getting stuck in the booth. Hope you can go back soon and accomplish both!
3 years
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