Extreme obesity

What’s it like being immobile?

Has anyone talked to someone immobile? What’s it like? I imagine they’d sleep a lot. Maybe 16+ hours a day?
3 years

What’s it like being immobile?

Idk, but really interesting question
3 years

What’s it like being immobile?

I did. I talked to overweight woman online who was near to immobile, she was so big she couldn't go outside, and needed help at home, when talking to her I got the impression that person so big living very hard life, she couldn't go to restaurants and places, because her butt was too big for typical chairs, and she was able to move thanks to her scooter, but she did not use her legs. Also all her clothes were too small for her, and mostly got them from special orders made personally for her. From talking to her I got a glimpse to a life of very big woman, and it was a wake up call. After that, I knew I would become fat, but will not want to become immobile.

While it my be sounds sexy to become so large, but it's really not. A little belly and some thickness couldn't be harm, but getting so far that you become immobile, it's really making the life a lot harder in many ways.
3 years

What’s it like being immobile?

I've talked to a few guys over the years who were immobile. Some liked it, some didn't. They can't do much due to their size and getting winded from very little movement. Everything is a chore to do and I mean everything. They needed caretakers to do everything for them, including rolling over to clean themselves and the bedding.

Despite all the hardships with being immobile, they did enjoy their size and liked playing with their fat and the attention they got from those who are into their size.

Daily life was essentially a ton of eating, sleeping, playing on their phone or computer, watching tv, being attended to. It can get boring after a while.
3 years

What’s it like being immobile?

I've talked to a few guys over the years who were immobile. Some liked it, some didn't. They can't do much due to their size and getting winded from very little movement. Everything is a chore to do and I mean everything. They needed caretakers to do everything for them, including rolling over to clean themselves and the bedding.

Despite all the hardships with being immobile, they did enjoy their size and liked playing with their fat and the attention they got from those who are into their size.

Daily life was essentially a ton of eating, sleeping, playing on their phone or computer, watching tv, being attended to. It can get boring after a while.

They aré still Alive or what happened to them
3 years

What’s it like being immobile?

One of them was BigPaulAK and he had passed away many years ago. Everyone else is either still alive or status unknown as I haven't heard back from them in a long time. I still chat with one on occasion.
3 years