Fat experiences

Sucking your stomach in

It took me a while to get used to not sucking it in because I did it for so long. In fact I still fight the urge but I’m getting better. I consciously relax it, remembering I’m proud of my belly. I’m sitting here right now with it relaxed. Wherever I happen to walk around, in a store, mall, parking lot, I just let it go.
3 years

Sucking your stomach in

It’s getting past the point for sucking in for me :-) I just wear shirts that fit and let the shirttail stretch with my stomach :-)
3 years

Sucking your stomach in

I suck mine in obsessively but usually most people I hear do not as for me it comes from insecurity of being fat.

I also wear spanx a lot to a point it cuts into my skin to appear thinner :X BUT I am curious why you suck yours in so often.
3 years

Sucking your stomach in

I can't suck in mine anymore but it was never about sucking in my gut; I used to wear compression shirts because I was self conscious about how my moobs looked and moved around independently as I walked around but now I can't find compression shirts past XXXXL
3 years

Sucking your stomach in

I can't suck in mine anymore but it was never about sucking in my gut; I used to wear compression shirts because I was self conscious about how my moobs looked and moved around independently as I walked around but now I can't find compression shirts past XXXXL
ive found some up to 5xl
3 years

Sucking your stomach in

I still suck my belly in around people I knew before I started getting fatter. Otherwise I'm trying to relax and let it stick out. It feels great being able to just let it stick out front and jiggle. I just need to get confident enough to do it around people I know.
3 years

Sucking your stomach in


As for now, I can't, I have put on enough weight that it just shows too much. When I suck in it is just as large as my stomach used to be without sucking in. Plus my double chin has gotten a lot larger so there is no point to try and hide it anymore.

I wouldn't suck my stomach in and for what reason? Be proud that you're fat.
3 years

Sucking your stomach in

I find myself sucking in my stomach without thinking about it. I have gained enough now that it seems even with sucking it in it is still noticeable enough that I have put weight on.
3 years

Sucking your stomach in


As for now, I can't, I have put on enough weight that it just shows too much. When I suck in it is just as large as my stomach used to be without sucking in. Plus my double chin has gotten a lot larger so there is no point to try and hide it anymore.

I wouldn't suck my stomach in and for what reason? Be proud that you're fat.

3 years

Sucking your stomach in

I read this thread and sucked in for the first time in a long time. I'm surprised I can still do it as well as I can. It is funny to suck in now, as it doesn't make me skinny, just less fat😂
3 years
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