

Shao_X wrote:I'm from an Indian background myself and if there's anything I've learned it's that while being fat or chubby is generally frowned upon in society, it's moreso the case in ethnic backgrounds, especially in the east.

Then how do you explain all those chubby Bollywood actresses? Hollywood rarely lets actresses get chubby at all.
15 years


Shao_X wrote:
AskDrFeeder wrote:
Shao_X wrote:I'm from an Indian background myself and if there's anything I've learned it's that while being fat or chubby is generally frowned upon in society, it's moreso the case in ethnic backgrounds, especially in the east.

Then how do you explain all those chubby Bollywood actresses? Hollywood rarely lets actresses get chubby at all.

I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just wanted to know how much of this community consisted of other ethnic origins. Yes there are many chubby Bollywood actresses but that doesn't mean it isn't frowned upon - How celebrities are regarded in India is different than in Hollywood in the sense that chubbier actresses are still considered or "allowed" to be actresses, but they aren't featured in as many movies as the slimmer top actresses are. That's not to say they aren't as good, that's just how the film industry regards it. Given, more directors and producers such as Yaj Chopra are trying to set a more secular view by involving larger actresses as key stars in new movies. I understand that from a media point of view it seems larger women are greater accepted, but the majority of traditional families are not as accepting towards their daughters - I was just wondering and I'm sorry if this post caused offense.

Don't worry, no offense taken. At least as far as I'm concerned!

I don't quite understand though...if the anti-fat stigma is as strong or stronger in India, why do so many Bollywood actresses get chubby? Most American actresses take great care to stay slim.

One explanation that occurs to me is that perhaps some parts of India are more fat-positive than other parts. As you of course know, there is a huge amount of cultural diversity in India. Perhaps the traditions you are familiar with are more anti-fat than some of the others.
15 years


I'm from a Middle Eastern/West Asian background. And I'd say my 'tribe'is a lot like Shao's description of South Asians--less fat-negative than white Euro-America, and there are a visible percentage of chubby women, but by NO means fat-positive, and lots of fat mothers torturing their daughters about their weight (including mine). Maybe Jordan is right, and it's the white washing of living in the US, but I'm not sure. The women I know from the Middle East, from a range of cultures, are all pretty fat-phobic... Makes me very sad.
15 years


winterstocking wrote
I'm Irish ethnicity, but I don't think I've even thought about that before lol. I've lived in Australia, UK, Ireland and New Zealand and I think Australians were most culturally anti-fat.

The whole sports and beaches theme about our country is partly/much to blame, I imagine.
13 years



I'm mixed, but for the sake of brevity, I identify as black.

Being fat in the black community is an interesting situation. I'd say, on average, we prize thickness and curves. So, big tits, big booty, thick thighs and a defined waist.

You get teased for being too small. And you get teased for being too big. But chubby chasers are pretty common. Lotta black dudes wanna bang a woman shaped like Lizzo as much as they wanna bang a woman shaped like Beyonce.

Sadly, the woman shaped like Lizzo will face a lot more discrimination compared to the woman shaped like Beyonce. (Because racism.)
2 years


My wife loves her some Lizzo because she’s talented, smart and quite the inspiration for large ladies to be successful in life :-)
2 years