Body inflation

Question about inflating myself

Not to much this stuff is not healthy at all and tastes like sh*t
3 years

Question about inflating myself

Hey! Ive recently read about inflation using baking soda and apple cider vinegar, could someone here please tell me how well this works? How long does it last, how huge can i get, how much do I use?

Thank you in advance!

Also, i just recently got into inflation, if you have interesting and well-working ways for me to try, id love to know! (english is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes that might occur)

All the times I’ve done it I used a portable bike pump in my rear end smiley

Like the kind you would strap onto a bike and take with you in the case of an emergency flat. I put a band around my stomach to see how much or little is actually going in me. I was able to distend my mid section to a noticeable level, but it is uncomfortable. I kinda have a farting fetish as well so the extreme levels of gas afterwards was both hilarious and a turn on, but if you don’t like 15 second long explosions out of your rear it may not be the method for you. Be carful and have fun smiley
3 years