Fat experiences

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I am the same and it started around 300 for me (I’m 5’5”). My right lower back seizes up and I get numb down my thigh. It really surprises me how much basic daily mobility is impacted for me (standing, showering, shopping) and I’m only low 300s. The last 20lbs have taken a larger toll than expected - maybe muscle loss from not being as active during Covid has caused this?
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I am the same and it started around 300 for me (I’m 5’5”). My right lower back seizes up and I get numb down my thigh. It really surprises me how much basic daily mobility is impacted for me (standing, showering, shopping) and I’m only low 300s. The last 20lbs have taken a larger toll than expected - maybe muscle loss from not being as active during Covid has caused this?

Sounds like a classic case of sciatica, we see this in patients of all shapes and sizes in the clinic I work at. More often than not the root of the problem is that patients are too stiff through their mid back and shoulders (sitting at a computer, driving, generally not getting movement in the spine all day) and so the lower back acts as a hinge point and gets strained, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Any exercises that get gentle movement through your mid and upper back will help. Also do hamstring, glute and quad stretches at least 3 times a day, as often as you possibly can. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg through the IT band, so you can get sciatica type symptoms just if the leg/glute/hip muscles are too tight.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

It really depends for me. I'm 385 at 5'10" and if I'm just standing around my lower back will start to hurt. If I'm moving around it isn't near as bad.
I suspect I'm leaning back to counter balance the belly and like with pregnant ladies it's pulling everything out of place.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I'm having them at 270lbs. Leg pain too. It's horrible isn't it.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I am the same and it started around 300 for me (I’m 5’5”). My right lower back seizes up and I get numb down my thigh. It really surprises me how much basic daily mobility is impacted for me (standing, showering, shopping) and I’m only low 300s. The last 20lbs have taken a larger toll than expected - maybe muscle loss from not being as active during Covid has caused this?

Sounds like a classic case of sciatica, we see this in patients of all shapes and sizes in the clinic I work at. More often than not the root of the problem is that patients are too stiff through their mid back and shoulders (sitting at a computer, driving, generally not getting movement in the spine all day) and so the lower back acts as a hinge point and gets strained, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Any exercises that get gentle movement through your mid and upper back will help. Also do hamstring, glute and quad stretches at least 3 times a day, as often as you possibly can. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg through the IT band, so you can get sciatica type symptoms just if the leg/glute/hip muscles are too tight.

I have this. I can barely walk at the moment. It's becoming unbearable 😫
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?


Sounds like a classic case of sciatica, we see this in patients of all shapes and sizes in the clinic I work at. More often than not the root of the problem is that patients are too stiff through their mid back and shoulders (sitting at a computer, driving, generally not getting movement in the spine all day) and so the lower back acts as a hinge point and gets strained, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Any exercises that get gentle movement through your mid and upper back will help. Also do hamstring, glute and quad stretches at least 3 times a day, as often as you possibly can. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg through the IT band, so you can get sciatica type symptoms just if the leg/glute/hip muscles are too tight.

this is great advice - when i stopped exercising and getting fatter, i started to have back issues. my gf at that time convinced me to do some yoga stretching, and it really helped - i think softissohot accurately gets to the heart of the matter.

i am bigger now, but i know i should be doing more stretching. every time my back starts to bug me, i know i am overdue. there are some great youtube videos on yoga for big people, too.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I am the same and it started around 300 for me (I’m 5’5”). My right lower back seizes up and I get numb down my thigh. It really surprises me how much basic daily mobility is impacted for me (standing, showering, shopping) and I’m only low 300s. The last 20lbs have taken a larger toll than expected - maybe muscle loss from not being as active during Covid has caused this?

Sounds like a classic case of sciatica, we see this in patients of all shapes and sizes in the clinic I work at. More often than not the root of the problem is that patients are too stiff through their mid back and shoulders (sitting at a computer, driving, generally not getting movement in the spine all day) and so the lower back acts as a hinge point and gets strained, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Any exercises that get gentle movement through your mid and upper back will help. Also do hamstring, glute and quad stretches at least 3 times a day, as often as you possibly can. The sciatic nerve runs down the leg through the IT band, so you can get sciatica type symptoms just if the leg/glute/hip muscles are too tight.

I have this. I can barely walk at the moment. It's becoming unbearable 😫

I’d urge you to go and see a well regarded osteopath, fixing that sort of thing is their bread and butter. Sadly the treatment available on the NHS for sciatica is a complete joke.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I have back pain standing for more than fifteen to thirty minutes. I'm 5'11" and weigh 230 lbs. I also have pain in my back, standing after sitting for any length of time.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I've had steroid injections in my lower back, that provided some relief though rapid gains would nullify it.
Wall stretches, back exercises can help adjust.
Unfortunately, that struggle wobble to bed after eating can block out the discomfort, aches, pains felt earlier.
Often/Daily Rx are a double edged sword as it can speed up heart rate/pacing or damage kidneys long term.
One thing for the rubber to meet the road and feel the choice to slow down or reverse, another is to do so and revisit that same road while regaining.
3 years

Anyone else had back issues from standing at 324lbs?

I’m 26 years old 5’11” and 324lbs. My goal weight is at least 600lbs. But I’m concerned I’ll be immobile much sooner. At my current weight I’ve recently noticed myself having back and leg pains while standing for longer than 5 minutes at a time. Based on this do you guys think I’ll be immobile before 600lbs?

I’m the exact same size as you and have experienced the same thing. Pretty much as soon as I hit 300, I realized that even just standing was getting pretty hard. I can’t stand for long without back and leg pain. I mean, I love it, but it was definitely a surprise.
3 years