By rewarding yourself with masturbation, you're actually conditioning youself to make the situation worse.
If you use your fetish as a tool to distract yourself from things you don't really want to think about, that's known as avoidance in psychobabble. It can csuse a lot of other problems, and can be, but isn't necessarily an aspect of addictive behavior.
Both of these situations ideally should be handled differently if they start to be a problem. Options might include setting rules or goals with meaningful rewards. Like no masturbating at work means extra goodie at McDonalds or whatever. Or finding better sexual outlets.
Of course, if it's not a problem, then no solution needed. Lol.
Thanks for your input... just to clarify, I would never do that at work. Was trying to state that’s not an option. Most of the time I feel great with this fetish.... but at times I would like a switch to turn off