Fat experiences

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

I wasn't able to come up with a great title, sorry if it sounds kind of odd.
I'm on the thinner side and have been considering gaining for a while now, but am hesitant. If I look at it from a purely erotic POV it's a no brainer, but when I start considering it from a more realistic perspective things become hazier.
Aspects of weight gain like getting out of breath, being limited in activities, etc are exciting in theory, but do you actually enjoy dealing with them 24/7?
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

Honestly, no. I was a skinny 150 pounds (at six feet tall) when I started gaining, and I'm now 287 pounds and still actively gaining. To be frank, there are a lot of negative lifestyle factors associated with being this obese. I've developed a number of health conditions I didn't have when I was a normal weight (nothing too severe, but I'm now on multiple medications when I wasn't on any before). I'm completely out of shape and get out of breath way before I used to. And I sweat an absolutely ridiculous amount. All of these things have non-trivial impacts on my general quality of life.

All of that being said, the feederism fetish is pretty much the only thing that gets me off sexually, and it's so unbelievably erotic knowing that I've intentionally made my belly this fat and am still trying to make it grow even bigger. So I don't regret gaining. Sometimes I wonder if I should've waited until I met someone with whom to share the process of fattening up this much, but it still hasn't happened (and I'm almost 30), so looking back I'm satisfied with the decisions I've made.
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

Sometimes I wonder if I should've waited until I met someone with whom to share the process of fattening up this much, but it still hasn't happened (and I'm almost 30), so looking back I'm satisfied with the decisions I've made.

As someone who has always been attracted to fat guys, and found skinny guys not the least bit appealing, I don't think meeting someone is a prerequisite to finding a partner. On the contrary, I think meeting someone and then gaining a lot of weight is probably more likely to end a relationship. So I congratulate you on your decision to be fat, and I hope you find the partner who appreciates you as you are. 30 is still young, so don't be discouraged! smiley
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

In a word, YES! I've been very athletic and active most of my life, it's been nice and I've had some very cool experiences that I don't regret at all.

However, I absolutely love being fat. I was in denial of this for a long time. There's so much pressure to be thin and athletic and it's treated as a universal good. Strangely, even though I enjoyed the things I could do at a lower weight I never felt good about my body. In my experience I found that I couldn't be thin enough to feel attractive and good about myself. When I was thin, it was such a hollow and meaningless victory, and I just ended up wanting to get fat again.

I love how it feels to be fat, I'm just so soft and cuddly! When I lay down, it feels like I'm wrapped in a perfect soft and very heavy blanket. I love being much larger than everyone else, it's just really fun. I love my large clothes, and how huge they look hanging up. I love the heavy feel of the weight on my feet. The slowness of my movement. The effort it takes to roll over, or get up. Many things aren't harder, but when something is a bit of a struggle, it reminds me me that I'm fat and just makes me want to giggle. I'm invisible to the wrong people and seen by people I like. I can get a good workout from an easy stroll in the park. I've let go of so much struggle, doubt, guilt and shame, and now when I feel fat I just feel loved.

I needed help to get fat, and that has led to some really wonderful friendships and experiences which makes me feel even more loved and extremely grateful.
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

I’ve started out really thin...and consider myself chubby at this point. Only thing I don’t like about gaining is the cost of buying new clothes. Right now I’m fine bc I’m working from home so I can wear shirts that are a little tight but soon I’ll be going to the office and I’m thinking “damm this wasnt cost I was anticipating.”
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

I wasn't able to come up with a great title, sorry if it sounds kind of odd.
I'm on the thinner side and have been considering gaining for a while now, but am hesitant. If I look at it from a purely erotic POV it's a no brainer, but when I start considering it from a more realistic perspective things become hazier.
Aspects of weight gain like getting out of breath, being limited in activities, etc are exciting in theory, but do you actually enjoy dealing with them 24/7?

Getting Big and Fat =/= Out of Shape; I’m in better shape than a lot of skinny people I know, and I know fellas a bit bigger (and older) than me who are in excellent shape. So, don’t think you’ll end up out of shape smiley

Round is a shape... smiley
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

Aspects of weight gain like getting out of breath, being limited in activities, etc are exciting in theory, but do you actually enjoy dealing with them 24/7?

when i started gaining weight to the point that i really noticed it in a way that really impacted my day-to-day, i was probably 220 or 250 lbs. up until then the 'inconvenience' was pretty minor.

the difficult parts like walking slower, not being able to stand for a long time, etc. are something that initially i kind of struggled against, thinking that hey i should still be able to do what i did before... life got much, much easier once i got past that and just "went with it" and listened to my body. i don't mind asking people i am walking with if we can slow down, etc.

do i enjoy them? on some rare occasions, usually in the right setting. do i enjoy how challenging stairs have become? no.

but is it worth it? yes! there are no activities (the gym, sports, etc.) that i miss enough to make me think i took the wrong path. the good at this point really outweighs (ha ha!) the bad.
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

I’d say the non-erotic parts for me are making sure I have shirts at least 2X and pants that can hold my 41-inch waist. For my wife, it’s making sure shirt sizes are in the 20s and pants about a 28. I love her big-girl dresses, too. Come to think of it, everything about getting fat is erotic at some point :-)
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

For the most part, I love having gotten bigger, but there are some drawbacks that I could do without. My knees are shot and I'm likely going to need a cane or some kind of walking assistance and there's the annoyance of being super hot in the summer and sweating the amount that I sometimes do.

Clothing and finding clothing that fits in a way that I like and am comfortable with is sometimes a bitch too - especially when you've found clothes that you like and have outgrown. As much as a turn on it is to outgrow my clothes, it's a double edged sword in finding replacements.
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

For the most part, I love having gotten bigger, but there are some drawbacks that I could do without. My knees are shot and I'm likely going to need a cane or some kind of walking assistance and there's the annoyance of being super hot in the summer and sweating the amount that I sometimes do.

Clothing and finding clothing that fits in a way that I like and am comfortable with is sometimes a bitch too - especially when you've found clothes that you like and have outgrown. As much as a turn on it is to outgrow my clothes, it's a double edged sword in finding replacements.

For me, the double edge sword is back pain when doing a lot of repetitive motion. But on the other hand, I’m just too damn hungry to stop eating :-)
3 years
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