Extreme obesity

I want to get huge. how can i start?

Start with small snacks, just eat whatever you get the chance, then increase your meals, and try to eat more milk and add heavy cream to your coffee. If you do that, you will gain weight eventually, it's just matter of time.
3 years

I want to get huge. how can i start?

I would say...just eat. Eaf now, eat later. Going to meet with someone for a meal? Stop and get one on the way. Eat both. At a gas station? Get a candy bar. If they are buy 2 for a special price, buy 2, eat them both. Getting fast food? Add a milkshake. Walk past a vending machine? Get something. Just ate? Eat again.woke up to pee? Have a snack. And repeat.
3 years

I want to get huge. how can i start?

Like others have said just start eating more at meal time and snacking when you can.
The is no magic pill or food or method that will make you fat that is up to you and you have to achieve it on your own.
Its not as easy as you think it might be you really have to work at it and it takes time.
It took me close to 8 years to go from 115 to 300 lbs.
3 years

I want to get huge. how can i start?

You're welcome.
3 years

I want to get huge. how can i start?

Like others have said just start eating more at meal time and snacking when you can.
The is no magic pill or food or method that will make you fat that is up to you and you have to achieve it on your own.
Its not as easy as you think it might be you really have to work at it and it takes time.
It took me close to 8 years to go from 115 to 300 lbs.

Sooo hot to triple ones weight :-) My wife’s did the same, though she’s been north of 300 for about 10 years now.

As for a gaining formula, you can’t go wrong with the 3 P’s — pasta, pizza and potatoes!
3 years

I want to get huge. how can i start?

Getting a feeder/encourager has been really helpful for me. I buy and eat pretty healthy food. I make a concious effort to eat until I'm full every time I eat. Drinking nonfat sugar free yhogurt has helped and leaves me feeling good. I drink at least a quart a day.

The biggest things for me have been letting go of fear, learning how to enjoy and feel good about myself as I am right now, not getting stressed out by long term goals, and getting some caring support so I don't get discouraged. It's amazing how powerful it is for me just to be told I'm doing a good job and that I'm a good person from someone else.

I also got a smart scale. It's really cool. I can use the app to set and track weight gain goals. So, instead of seeing my current weight I see my weight gained and a chart of my progress towards my goal. I'm surprised how encouraging this has been for me.

I'm also listening to a number of weight gain hypnosis tracks on youtube. It's hard to tell, but I think it's helping.

With all of this in place I'm making really fast progress, and I genuinely feel really good about it.
3 years

I want to get huge. how can i start?

Getting a feeder/encourager has been really helpful for me. I buy and eat pretty healthy food. I make a concious effort to eat until I'm full every time I eat. Drinking nonfat sugar free yhogurt has helped and leaves me feeling good. I drink at least a quart a day.

The biggest things for me have been letting go of fear, learning how to enjoy and feel good about myself as I am right now, not getting stressed out by long term goals, and getting some caring support so I don't get discouraged. It's amazing how powerful it is for me just to be told I'm doing a good job and that I'm a good person from someone else.

I also got a smart scale. It's really cool. I can use the app to set and track weight gain goals. So, instead of seeing my current weight I see my weight gained and a chart of my progress towards my goal. I'm surprised how encouraging this has been for me.

I'm also listening to a number of weight gain hypnosis tracks on youtube. It's hard to tell, but I think it's helping.

With all of this in place I'm making really fast progress, and I genuinely feel really good about it.
3 years