
Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

Chubby women are beautiful.
Chubby men are only handsome... We have to win the girls with our wits and magnetic personalities, am I right?

No, I think it has a lot to do with men objectifying women far, far more than women objectify men. Girls usually do look a bit more than skin deep. That's hard to convey in the pictures, hence they don't put that much weight (pun intended) on the pics of big men, unlike men do on the pics of fat girls.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

does it rlly get that bad for them? i dont see them put themselves out there that much online... but i see chubbier girls putting themselves out there a bit here no problem. its frustrating bcuz i really cant find anyone of normal/skinny build attractive and i dont want to meet someone who knows abt what im into

You're not going to find many fatties at regular clubs or gyms as non verbal body language, sneering, uncomfortable furniture are signs of not being invited. You could go to more fat friendly venues but then again, you lose the 'allure' of others not exactly knowing what you're into.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

Just something I never really thought about but I would say you are right.
There are women that get very little views too so you aren't alone there.
Its not a competition and how many views you get really doesn't mean much and it deff doesn't show what kind of man you are.
I have met lots of really nice men on here over the years.
Met a lot of pushy needy ones too. LOLOL

All good points. It really is what it is with FF I think, like you said, if you’re worried about how much traction or views you’re getting, you’re probably here for the wrong reasons
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

I'm not insecure about my big fat belly. I love the opportunity to show it off here. I would like more comments though. Bur not required. Just the chance to show off my belly is good enough
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

Yes I would say.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

The point. Atleast to me is to be admired and accepted. And I don't mind if guys or gals comment.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

I only get a few likes and comments. That doesn’t discourage me from uploading pictures though! I just don’t have too much time to take pictures lately. I feel that there are more people who comment on pics on the subreddit r/gainers. So perhaps there’s more people on Reddit who probably don’t visit this site or aren’t even aware of it.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

There are so few women that likes fat men, they are minority. So chances finding them are rare.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

There are so few women that likes fat men, they are minority. So chances finding them are rare.

Real-deal FFAs (of different sizes) definitely exist - I've met a number over the years without specifically asking them about preferences. And several were on the lookout for a BHM.

I like Imchet's post in this thread. He has a good approach with respect to meeting folks.

Now that things are opening up in the Covid world, expect more size-positive events. I've never had a bad time at one, and they are a great place to meet people. Is attending such an event a possibility? I would recommend one for a plus-sized individual (or admirer of such individuals) who desires an upgrade to their social life.
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

Chubby women are beautiful.
Chubby men are only handsome... We have to win the girls with our wits and magnetic personalities, am I right?

No, I think it has a lot to do with men objectifying women far, far more than women objectify men. Girls usually do look a bit more than skin deep. That's hard to convey in the pictures, hence they don't put that much weight (pun intended) on the pics of big men, unlike men do on the pics of fat girls.

Maybe but I think it's due to society. Men are more encouraged to express their desires, to comment outloud on women's bodies...

I love commenting on fat men's bodies too (and here is one of the only safe places to do so) but many women are too shy I think... Some repress their desires. Too bad.
And you know we can't comment everywhere either. Viewing pics is limited now when you don't pay...
3 years
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