
Forgetting to eat lunch?

I know, weird question to ask on a web site like this.

But does anyone else ever forget to eat lunch, either from just being so busy or not having time, either perceived or actual? Or you get distracted enough, simply from there always being more to do? Worst part is, this can happen even when I feel slightly hungry. Then it might end up being a false economy because of less energy/not feeling as well later, until I eat a late dinner.

This no doubt has contributed to my difficulty in gaining. I try to remember to eat lunch, though. Also can't remember the last time I ate breakfast. But yeah, can be hard to gain if on some/many days all you have is one late dinner and some midnight snacking after that.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who deals with this from time to time.
3 years

Forgetting to eat lunch?

I use to forget to eat all the time... rarely ate breakfast. But over the last year while working from home, I just continuously eat all day.
3 years

Forgetting to eat lunch?

I forget to eat lunch all the time but I snack so much throughout the day that it kinda zeroes out most days.
3 years

Forgetting to eat lunch?

I forget sometimes too, not as much lately because I’m usually pretty hungry but I used to forget lunch more often than not. It helps to have snacks nearby that you can reach for without having to get up to fetch food.
3 years