
Limits/goals - how did you decide?

Gaining friends - if you have a goal weight or a weight limit you do not want to exceed, how did you decide that goal/limit and what did you do when you reached it?

I am wondering about setting goals or limits and whether they change as you approach them. I am also wondering about settling goals or limits and what you have done or are willing to do to stop gaining/enforce limits.

I haven't really set any goals or, for that matter limits. I have been steadily gaining, now up to 232 lbs. with a forty eight inch waist. I'm five foot eleven inches tall, making me clinically obese.

I like to overeat on occasion when I'm alone. I still eat with my wife around, but not at the same level when she's not home/with me.

My advice, just enjoy yourself. If feel you become too fat, cut back or if you think it would be fun/turn on/interesting to gain more, then do so.

Sorry, not very definitive, but maybe a could starting place..
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?

My initial goal was 450 pounds, primarily because I bought an awesome bidet toilet seat, and I don't want to break it. I only weigh about 250 pounds right now, so I have plenty of room to grow.

The weight limit on that bidet toilet seat was determined by just stacking weight on the seat. I've been doing some calculations, and think that I might be able to push my weight up to 520 pounds. The reason for this is that the toilet seat does not support the weight of my lower legs and feet. That support is provided by the floor.

After subtracting the estimated weight of my legs and feet, I think I can go up to 520 pounds. I really do think that I would be satisfied at that weight. I would be huge, and incredibly soft and squishy. I have zero interest in being immobile.
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?

My limit is when i fill out the biggest diaper on the market.
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?

I don't really have a goal or stopping point in mind. That being said, I think if my weight got up around 300 pounds I would consider taking action to not get any heavier. I don't have a problem physically carrying the weight now, and I think I could handle 300. I guess things could change if I got that big, because when I gained 25 pounds up to 205, I don't think I ever imagined being 250 pounds like I am now.
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?

I started with wanting to add 20-30 lbs because I had been at that weight before and knew what it felt like. I wanted to get back up there. Then I just kept thinking about what another 10 lbs would be like, then another 10 when I reached that. My absolute fantasy goal is about 300-320, being just about 5’6”. I know a guy who is 5’5” and 340 lbs. My gosh, I’d love to be that fat! But with joint and back issues I don’t think I could carry much more than 260-270.
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?


Most of the goals I have are pretty much arbitrary and the satisfaction of breaking past psychological barriers.

I've never been over 200 lbs before, so I know I would like to be. 222 lbs is another, since that's just over 100 kg. 250 to maybe even 300 lbs is another nice, round number.

Not just weight, either. I have no idea how much I'd have to gain, but reaching the point where the thighs are bigger around than my waist was when I first started gaining will be incredible too.

The average American male between the ages of 20-59 (inclusive) is also, as of this writing, about 202 lbs, though slowly increasing every year. So of course, exceeding this will be thrilling, since this would mean I would be heavier and larger than most men. At that point, hopefully annual holiday weight gain, where I end up a few pounds heavier each year, will kick in so I'd continue to remain larger than most men.

I also want to be able to achieve certain eating milestones, such as eating an entire large pizza in one sitting. As of this writing, eating a #3 largo combo (triple burger with around 3/4 lbs of beef, 42 fl. oz. soda) from Whataburger at once is a challenge, but sometimes doable, though only if I haven't eaten for a long while.


As for limits or where I might like to stop and settle, I'm not sure. Short of serious problems, I suppose whenever I feel satisfied. Probably when I achieved several of the psychological milestones I mentioned earlier.

There are a few things that could cause me to stop earlier than planned. Fortunately, I have no family history of the various health conditions that could cause an early stop to weight gain, though that may be one reason.

Another reason is if I ever lose the ability to function independently, though at 300 lbs or smaller, that seems very unlikely.

Other reasons could include losing the ability to shave the unmentionable private areas or not being able to clip my own toenails, though then again, it's my hope my financial situation may improve to the point where I could get regular pedicures and manzilian services. Just imagining that I might have to lift my gut so they could perform it, I find very exciting. Hope that's not TMI but the original question asked about limits and I wasn't graphically explicit.

I doubt I would ever lose the ability to fit into most cars or break many chairs. Chairs with low weight limits seem to be being phased out. But I could see it being a snug fit, or being large enough I can't comfortably fit into the center seat of a couch or a bench seat of a car (with 2 others on either side), but it seems like almost no one ever sits in those places anymore.
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?

For myself, it's basically to be about the same size as my wife or a little bigger. She hovers around 300lbs right now. But normally has been about 250ish. Which for both of us I think is a good size. We don't want to be too big as to not be able to do things we like. Also, I already have health issues. Which makes it very hard to gain. So going very overweight might not even be possible for me. But I don't want to compound my poor health with weight-related health issues later in life. I figure I probably will end up back to a much smaller size eventually anyway. So, if I can catch up with my wife. Enjoy that size, maybe a little more or less for a good few years I will then be happy to have experienced this in my life.
3 years