
How long have you been on ff

I've been here since 2006. I got permabanned in 2009 by a mod that's thankfully long gone but I got reinstated with a new account. I've had this account since 2009 but I've been here 15 years.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

About 4 years this time around. I first joined around 2015 when I started deliberately getting fat. But I had second thoughts, deciding being fat “wasn’t for me”. Yeah ok. Lol I deleted my profile but I re-upped I guess around 2017. Still I wasn’t that active until recently. Now I’m hellbent for leather on getting a lot fatter.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I've had an account on here for two years, but I lurked for a month or two before I decided to make an account. It's so fun to see people on here who have joined 10+ years ago! Maybe that'll be me one day!
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I'm really happy this forum as had some replies it's fun to hear how long people have been here and talking about there time here hopefully it keeps going 😊
3 years

How long have you been on ff

11 years, but was a lurker before that. Looking forward to another 11 of keeping chat lively.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

13 years! And roughly in that time I've doubled my weight.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

13 years! And roughly in that time I've doubled my weight.

hey, that is an idea - in addition to introducing ourselves, how about also mentioning what you weighed (or think you might have weighed) when you joined vs now?

i have put on almost 200 lbs since joining :O
3 years

How long have you been on ff

13 years! And roughly in that time I've doubled my weight.

hey, that is an idea - in addition to introducing ourselves, how about also mentioning what you weighed (or think you might have weighed) when you joined vs now?

i have put on almost 200 lbs since joining :O

That's a good idea that be interesting to add aswell 😁
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I have been a member since December 2008... which makes me feel super old!

Deleted and remade the account a couple of times, but I have always had the username c00kie. Not sure if people remember me as an old timer or from back in the day.

I remember the old chat where we had webcams, and had awesome times snacking, getting drunk and chatting absolute nonsense together. FUN FUN!

But I think my absolute favourite times were actually meeting up with members in person... The first FF meet in Birmingham *organised by me... brag brag!!!* and then the Halloween parties down in London! I miss those and hope we can get some meet up's and events sorted soon.

I have made some great friends, and met some amazing people over the years here. It's what keeps me logging on!

I am on the similar page, except I've never made it to a meet up, some times too scared to go, confidence levels low, once because the other person who already got all booked suddenly decide she would cancel everything if I go (not that I'd done anything bad, she just panicked i think), so I didn't go to not spoil her plans (yeah, I was SUCH an idiot)... But I've been around since about 2009, deleted my account I think twice, and then recreated... I have actually met someone in flesh from Feabie, but no one from here :-(.
3 years

How long have you been on ff

I first made an account in 2011 under the name Johazis and deleted it after I met my now husband in the chat room.

Returned a few years later under ChubbyKitty then deleted and returned again under my current name.
3 years
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